Showing 1 - 10 of 141
This paper analyzes the role of private storage in a market for a commodity (e.g. natural gas) whose supply is subject to the threat of an irreversible disruption. We focus on the medium term in which seasonality of demand and exhaustibility can be neglected. We characterize the price and...
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We model an economy that alternates randomly between abundance and scarcity episodes. We develop an original method to characterize in detail the structure of the Markovian competitive equilibrium. Accumulation and drainage of stocks are the main focuses. Economically appealing comparative...
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We propose a probabilistic numerical algorithm to solve Backward Stochastic Differential Equations (BSDEs) with nonnegative jumps, a class of BSDEs introduced in [9] for representing fully nonlinear HJB equations. In particular, this allows us to numerically solve stochastic control problems...
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This article proposes a mean-variance optimisation and portfolio frontier analysis of energy risk management with carbon assets, introduced in January 2005 as part of the EU Emissions Trading Scheme. In a stylised exercise, we compute returns, standard deviations and correlations for various...
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In this paper we present a new class of pedestrian crowd models based on the mean field games theory introduced by Lasry and Lions in 2006. This macroscopic approach is based on a microscopic model, that considers smart pedestrians who rationally interact and anticipate the future. This leads...
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We characterize the minmax values of a class of repeated games with imperfect monitoring. Our result relies on the optimal trade-off for the team formed by punishing players between optimization of stage-payoffs and generation of signals for future correlation. Amounts of correlation are...
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To raise children, to guarantee a certain way of life, and to retire with a certain amount of capital can be accomplished in many different ways, particularly when couples are faced with the possibility of unemployment or poor returns to savings while trying to balance current and future...
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We consider an optimization problem in a given region Q where an agent has to decide the price p(x) of a product for every x ∈ Q. The customers know the pricing pattern p and may shop at any place y, paying the cost p(y) and additionally a transportation cost c(x, y) for a given trans-...
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We establish explicit socially optimal rules for an irreversible investment decision with time-to-build and uncertainty. Assuming a price sensitive demand function with a random intercept, we provide comparative statics and economic interpretations for three models of demand (arithmetic...
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Based on evolutionist theories and project management knowledge, a connectionist model based on genetic algorithm is built to simulate innovation process in organizations. Transformation and selection produce micro dynamics to create macro behavior in the agents' population. Results clarify...
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