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In the Basel regulation the required capital of a financial institution is based on conditional measures of the risk of … its future equity value such as Value-at-Risk, or Expected Shortfall. In Basel 2 the uncertainty on this equity value is … captured by means of changes in asset prices (market risk) and default of borrowers (credit risk), and mainly concerns the …
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In the Basel regulation the required capital of a financial institution is based on conditional measures of the risk of … its future equity value such as Value-at-Risk, or Expected Shortfall. In Basel 2 the uncertainty on this equity value is … captured by means of changes in asset prices (market risk) and default of borrowers (credit risk), and mainly concerns the …
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In financial economics risk-return tradeoffs show how expected rates of return and consequently asset prices are altered …: (i) Present some of the recent literature that is concerned with the effect of long run risk on returns and prices. (ii …) Develop an analytical structure that reveals the long-run risk-return relationship in nonlinear continuous time Markov …
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We consider the problem of optimal risk sharing of some given total risk between two economic agents characterized by … law-invariant monetary utility functions or equivalently, law-invariant risk measures. We first prove existence of an … optimal risk sharing allocation which is in addition increasing in terms of the total risk. We next provide an explicit …
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We create an analytical structure that reveals the long-run risk-return relationship for nonlinear continuous … eigenfunction term. The eigenvalue encodes the risk adjustment, the martingale alters the probability measure to capture long … components of cash flows induce changes in the corresponding eigenvalues and eigenfunctions, we reveal a long-run risk …
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Cet article étudie la détention de la trésorerie par les entreprises françaises en utilisant un échantillon de 297 entreprises sur la période 1998- 2002. La théorie du compromis et celle du financement hiérarchique jouent un rôle important dans l'explication de la détention de la...
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Ce papier étudie les aspects de la structure de propriété qui influent la qualité de la communication financière sur un marché où l'actionnariat est concentré. La théorie d'agence propose un cadre de recherche intéressant liant la décision de publication à la structure de...
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Les règles de bonne gouvernance tendent à imposer des consignes de plus en plus strictes sur l’égalité des actionnaires et à renforcer le caractère disciplinaire des conseils d’administration. Alors que ces dispositions visent à protéger les intérêts des investisseurs, les...
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the impact of forward markets and vertical integration on prices, risk premia, and retail market shares. We point out that … forward hedging and vertical integration are two separate mechanisms for demand and spot price risk diversification that both … producers and retailers exposure to demand risk, whereas linear forward contracts do not. Vertical integration is superior to …
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