Showing 1 - 10 of 122
different variables (GDP, jet-fuel prices, exogenous shocks, market maturity) on air traffic is estimated using dynamic panel …-data modeling. GDP appears to have a positive influence on air traffic, whereas Jet-Fuel prices have a non-linear effect on air traffic …
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This paper studies the nonlinear adjustment between industrial production and carbon prices – coined as ‘the carbon-macroeconomy relationship’ – in the EU 27. We model carbon price returns and industrial production as nonlinear and state-dependent, with dynamics depending on the sign and...
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This paper constitutes the first exercise of nonparametric modeling applied to carbon markets. The framework of analysis is carefully detailed, and the empirical application unfolds in the case of BlueNext spot and ECX futures prices. The data is gathered in daily frequency from April 2005 to...
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This paper attempts to reconcile two strands of literature on oil and speculation: one that posits the predominance of supply/demand fundamentals, and one that investigates the hypothesis of speculative trading. To do so, we develop a Markov switching analysis based on the WTI crude oil futures...
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his paper develops a model of carbon pricing by considering two fundamental drivers of European Union Allowances : economic activity and energy prices. On the one hand, economic activity is proxied by aggregated industrial production in the EU 27 (as it provides the best performance in a...
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This paper evaluates the convergence of energy intensities for a group of 97 countries in the period 1971–2003. Convergence is tested using a recent method proposed by Pesaran (2007) [Pesaran, M.H., 2007. A pair-wise approach to testing for output and growth convergence. Journal of...
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L'ouverture à la concurrence des marchés européens de l'électricité et du gaz - dont la deuxième étape commence le Ier juillet - intéresse surtout les grosses et moyennes entreprises, pour lesquelles l'achat d'énergie devient une source potentielle de réduction des coûts. En ce qui...
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