Showing 1 - 10 of 131
This paper studies the reasons behind the export performance of different Mexican states from 1994 to 2002. Mexican exports are divided into two components: (1) foreign market potential; and (2) supply capacity. Results suggest that states that experience an increase in supply capacity are, in...
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This article analyses the returns of education as defined by Mincer’s model (1974), in the malagasy case. Selection bias in the labour market and endogeneity bias of education are corrected for. Moreover, the type of education is taken into account. Indeed, this variable is suspected to play a...
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This paper provides new empirical evidence on the relationship between migration and social integration. It explores the hypothesis that migrants essentially differ from non-migrants with regard to the length of residence in the country – which is a proxy of migrants’ social distance to...
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This paper considers the identification and estimation of hedonic models. We establish that in an additive version of the hedonic model, technology and preferences are generically nonparametrically identified from data on demand and supply in a single hedonic market. The empirical literature...
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This paper provides an econometric evaluation of the impact of two innovative care programs for elderly people with dementia (day-care centers and group-living) on the well-being of the primary caregiver of patients. For this evaluation, we use data from a survey conducted in six European...
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Nous vivons un choc numérique, qui n'est plus une déformation lente, mais une rupture brutale, planétaire, rapide et globale. Aucun secteur, aucune activité ne sont épargnés. Mobilité, outils collaboratifs, objets connectés, big data… le monde numérique est là et irrigue toutes les...
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It is now being assumed — without strong feelings or controversy — that thousands of intelligent objects will be connected to the Internet in the near future. These prospects might gladden hearts or scare weaker souls. They are, day after day, ever more likely ...
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L’avènement du numérique, qui change notre rapport à l’information et à la connaissance, bouleverse nos modes de collaboration et nos modèles économiques.
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Administration in organizations emerged as a specific field of inquiry for social sciences in the middle of the twentieth century. Herbert Simon has defined a program that allows social sciences to move from principles to concepts about action and action taking. Four main perspectives of...
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Theories of space and the physical reality of organizations have been widely ignored by organizational theory, as Clegg and Kornberger assert in their 2006 edition of Space, Organisations and Management Theory. To understand how employees use space to create favourable conditions to complete...
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