Showing 1 - 10 of 232
Une approche pluridisciplinaire : fondamentaux de la gestion financière, l'investment banking, l'évaluation d'entreprise...
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In this paper, we use online search engines and archive collections to examine the popularity of socially responsible investing (SRI) in newspapers and academic journals. A simple content analysis suggests that most of the papers on SRI focus on financial performance. This profusion of research...
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In this study, we test the size and the book to market effects in explaining stock returns with co-skewness and co-kurtosis on the French Stock Market over July 1976 to June 2001 period. Results of time series regressions of monthly portfolio returns are consistent with the Fama and French...
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Cet ouvrage décrit l'organisation d'un marché d'actions et expose les concepts de base de la gestion de portefeuille et des risques : la rentabilité, la volatilité, l'hostilité au risque, les principes et les avantages de la diversification. Il présente les modèles linéaires...
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L’accélération des échanges internationaux de capitaux a révélé au grand public le rôle déterminant joué par le fonctionnement des marchés financiers. La Bourse est dans ce cadre un acteur central, lieu de rencontre – réel et virtuel – entre l’offre et la demande de capitaux....
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Exchange Traded Funds (ETF) are designed to track a benchmark. ETF facilitate asset management and contribute to reduce management fees and transaction costs, they are traded like stocks at current price on continuous markets and meet an increasing success. Initially, anETFwas a stock...
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In this article, tests for globalization and contagion are separated using an ex ante definition of crises, and contagion tests are neutralized with respect to globalization effects. A large database is constructed to study the stability of correlation matrices for four asset classes : equities,...
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In this study, we test the size and the book to market effects in explaining stock returns with co-skewness and co-kurtosis on the French Stock Market over July 1976 to June 2001 period. Results of time series regressions of monthly portfolio returns are consistent with the Fama and French...
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Bourse et gestion de portefeuille est le titre de cet ouvrage. Bourse car les marchés de titres, les mécanismes de rencontre entre l’offre et la demande de titres, ainsi que les principes de fixation des cours, sont précisés principalement dans la première partie. Gestion de portefeuille...
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