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Ce document étudie le système de retraite français et son évolution dans un contexte de vieillissement de la population. Le premier rapport présente le contexte démographique et propose des éléments d'analyse sur le système de retraite actuel. Le second rapport étudie les relations...
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Using the most comprehensive publicly available data to-date, we study the effect of three aspects of pension regulation (namely quantitative investment restrictions, minimum return or benefit guarantee, and the type of supervising authority) on risk-adjusted funded pension performance in 27...
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The American pension funds system reinforces the sensibility of the American economy to financial markets fluctuations. Market risk is supported by companies as concerns defined benefits funds (DB) and by households as regards defined contributions plans (DC). DC funds are often over-invested in...
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Private savings for retirement, in the form of pensions, play an important role in most OECD countries. Given the scale of assets managed, these funds constitute a major institutional investor. The aim of this article is to present the financial behaviour of pension funds in these countries. A...
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We study an economywhere intermediaries compete over contracts in a nonexclusive insurance market affected by moral hazard. In this context, we show that, contrarily to what is commonly believed, market equilibria may fail to be efficient even if the planner is not allowed to enforce...
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This paper examines qualitative properties of efficient insurance contracts in the presence of background risk. In order to get results for all strictly risk-averse expected utility maximizers, the concept of “stochastic increasingness” is used. Different assumptions on the stochastic...
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Les Départements d’Outre Mer (DOM) sont plus exposés aux risques naturels que la métropole. Pourtant, les ménages y sont moins nombreux à être assurés contre les catastrophes naturelles. En France, l’assurance habitation inclut obligatoirement la garantie contre les catastrophes...
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