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This article endeavours to measure the elasticity of the volume of the currency exchange transactions to a tax on them. The analysis is principally based on cointegration techniques. This paper is the fi rst attempt to estimate the infl uence of a currency transaction tax on the foreign exchange...
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The aim of this paper is to assess the financial integration degree of the Central and Eastern European Countries (CEECs) with the euro area in the prospect of their integration in the Economic and Monetary Union (EMU). To this end, we test the Feldstein-Horioka regression for a non-stationary...
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Using a new database of actual import price data rather than unit value indices, we analyze the impact of currency-invoicing decision of exporting firms on the extent of exchange rate pass-through (ERPT) for several Euro-area countries during the period of June 2005 to July 2013. Mainly, we use...
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We evaluate the growth effects of real effective exchange rate misalignments for the G20 countries over the period 1980-2006. To this end, we first estimate real effective equilibrium exchange rates relying on the behavioral approach BEER, from which misalignments are derived. Second, we...
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The “impossible trinity” refers to the impossibility of the simultaneous presence of a fixed exchange rate regime, uncovered interest parity and the Central Bank?s control over the money supply. I apply this to Krugman?s (1979) balance of payments crisis model, where he argued that there is...
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This paper studies the impact of a broadening of the SDR basket to the Chinese currency on the composition and volatility of the basket. Although, in the past, RMB inclusion would have had negligible impact due to its limited weight, a much more significant impact can be expected in the next...
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Les annees quatre-vingt et quatre-vingt-dix sont marquees par un processus d’ouverture financiere internationale qui a d’abord touche les pays developpes avant d’atteindre les economies dites emergentes. Considerant les gains d’efficience lies a cette integration financiere, le Fonds...
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En depit de pressions constantes, l’autorite monetaire de Hong Kong a neglige, a plusieurs reprises, les predictions de devaluation imminente a l’apogee de la crise financiere asiatique en 1997. Cette attitude peut etre mise en relation avec l’histoire monetaire de Hong Kong et sa position...
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Cet article propose un examen empirique de l’echec du Plan de Stabilisation par le Change (PSC) mis en place sous l’impulsion du FMI en Turquie a partir de janvier 2000. Nous estimons un modele vectoriel a correction d’erreur a partir de donnees journalieres, afin d’evaluer...
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Pendant les premieres annees de l'union monetaire, la faiblesse de l'euro a surpris la plupart des observateurs. Les explications se sont multipliees allant de fondamentaux tels que les differentiels de croissance anticipes aux facteurs psychologiques tels que les comportements gregaires, mais...
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