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The Second World War has had a great and bitter impact upon the countries which participated in it. Unfortunately, one of those countries suffered tragic consequences of the war since it was invaded twice firstly by Italy, and then by Germany. Out of the military invasion, Greece also suffered...
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The AK Party government’s Middle Eastern approach indicated a change from those of previous governments. Whilst aiming to conduct an active and influential political role in the Middle East, they have attempted to achieve ‘zero problems’ in their relations with neighbors as well as closer...
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Son donemlerde tum dunya saskinlik ve korku uyandiran teror olaylarina taniklik ederken; bununla es zamanli olarak "Buyuk Ortadogu Projesi" (BOP) olarak bilinen "Genisletilmis Ortadogu ve Kuzey Afrika Bolgesi ile Musterek bir Gelecek ve Ilerleme icin Ortaklik" projesi de tekrar gundeme tasindi....
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Uluslararasi Iliskiler kuraminda 1990’li yillarin ‘konstruktivist donusu’ temsil etmesi bir yandan Soguk Savas’in sona ermesiyle birlikte kimlik, kultur ve normlar gibi dusunsel ve toplumsal ogelerin uluslararasi politikada canlanmasina ve uluslararasi iliskiler calismalarinda giderek...
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During the last period of Second World War, the Jews who all managed to survived and escaped from Nazi tyranny and holocaust have started trying to find out the ways to go to Palestine, then being a British mandate. Taking a voyage to Palestine was not so easy because of the terrific conditions,...
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AB üyesi ülkelerin, ortak dis ve güvenlik politikasi söz konusu oldugunda egemenlikleri konusunda oldukca hassas olmalari, Avrupa Güvenlik ve Savunma Politikasi’nin (Lizbon Antlasmasi’ndaki ismi ile Ortak Güvenlik ve Savunma Politikasi) AB bütünlesme sürecinde en agir ilerleyen alan...
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Bilindigi uzere Avrupa Konseyi, Avrupa’daki demokratik uluslari birlestiren en eski uluslararasi orguttur. Ikinci Dunya Savasi’ndan sonra, ulus devletler arasinda isbirligini guclendiren, demokrasi ve istikrari koruyan bir kurum olarak gorulmustur. Bu nedenlerden dolayi bircok duzenleme uye...
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In this paper international instruments relating the women’s rights and their domestic enforceability will be covered. We will discuss the domestic enforceability of international women’s rights in Turkey. The paper will cover general discussion on the differences of signing and ratifying...
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Genel olarak bakildiginda, halkin yonetimi anlamina gelen demokrasinin tarih boyunca farkli toplumlar tarafindan farkli uygulamalarla bugune geldigi gorulur. Toplumlar, demokrasiyi kendi sosyo-ekonomik, politik ve hukuksal yapilarina gore farkli bir bicimde yasamislardir. Demokrasi, klasik Yunan...
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