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The expert contributors reveal that government policy is one of the key influences on the external environment in which businesses develop, particularly in countries where it has been necessary to redefine the role of the state in relation to business development. They outline how government...
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pt. I. Introduction and background -- pt. II. Knowledge management in context -- pt. III. Reflections on knowledge … management …
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The strategic value of human resource management (HRM) in successful, sustainable competitive advantage is fully …
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'Handbook of Research in International Human Resource Management represents a welcome contribution of IHRM literature …, staffing, performance management, leadership development, and diversity management, international assignment and mobility … issues, the role of IHRM in the management of global teams and cross-border joint ventures, mergers and acquisitions …
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in human resource management courses …
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management; staffing; performance management; leadership development; diversity management; international assignment and mobility … issues; and the role of IHRM in the management of global teams and cross-border joint ventures, mergers and acquisitions …
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The aim of the Handbook and its systematically codified economy human resource management (HRM) profiles is to improve …1. Introduction / Michael Zanko -- 2. The implications of supra-national regionalism for human resource management in …
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The Handbook of Research on Strategy Process reveals the current state of the art of strategy process research as a whole as well as emerging research initiatives. It also discusses managerial and organizational factors affecting strategy implementation. Written by a blend of both leading...
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The Handbook provides an impressive state-of-the-art overview of the international strategic management field as an … of authors. -- The implications for future international strategy research and for international management practice are …
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