Showing 1 - 10 of 26
"Images of Europe", the title of the workshop from which this Working Paper originated, refers to the multiplicity of representations that "Europe" has historically offered. Today we seem to suffer from a dearth of images of Europe, especially in the symbolic field. The essays which compose the...
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La demarche de cet article consistera a ne pas considerer la dette pour elle-meme, mais a l'inserer au contraire dans les liens institutionnels et sociaux president a sa definition et a son traitement.
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This paper analyses trade and capital flows relations and compare real GDP growth rates from 1865 to 1913 in Scandinavia and the Southern European countries of Italy, Portugal, and Spain. Cointegration analysis for trade and capital flows with respect to GDP reveal that there is a long-run...
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This paper presents the work of John Breuilly and Otto Dann in the field of nationalism. They both have elaborated theoretical accounts of nationalism that stress the political character and emplhasise its inherent modernity. The authors will draw some conclusions from the discussion betweem...
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The central argument I propose is that an understanding of social and normative centent of kinship and gender relations--the expectations, behavioral patterns, and discoursive meanings associated with kinship and gender roles-is essential for capturing the social significance of business...
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The paper presents issues about the question related to the European identity. The paper contents "Comtemporary Intellectual and Writers on a Multicultural European Identity"; "Konjunkturen und Konkurrenzen Kollektiver Identitat. Ideologie, infrastruktur und Gedechtnis in der Zeitgeschichte";...
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The author studies the European Schools, which are created and run by the European Unio; the majority of the European Schools' population is to be found in Brussels and Luxembourg, and the pupils include many "non-entitled", i.e. children whose parents are not employed by the Union. The schools...
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Sans chercher a dresser une mise en perspective complete de l'histoire du credit au XVIIe siecle, qui n'est pas le but de cet article, nous voudrions ici simplement interroger le prejuge lie au credit et a son corollaire, l'endettement.
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The purpose of this paper is to analyse the determinants of the localisation of industrial activity in Spain during the second half of thenineteenth century and the effects of economic integration in Spain's industrial geography. First, we review the historical analysis of these changes. Second,...
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