Showing 1 - 10 of 116
We discuss how to properly decompose economic efficiency when the underlying technology is non-homothetic using … alternative allocative and technical efficiency criteria. We first show that only under the production of one output and assuming … measure pure technical efficiency. Otherwise, when non-homotheticity is assumed, we then show that these traditional …
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In a Data Envelopment Analysis model, some of the weights used to compute the efficiency of a unit can have zero or …
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This article studies the role of social capital on cotton production efficiency and productivity for a sample of small … contribution to production efficiency after land. The Luenberger indicator is used to assess the productivity improvement …
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In productivity and efficiency analysis, the technical efficiency of a production unit is measured through its distance … viewed as additive (rather than multiplicative) measures efficiency. Directional distance functions are not restricted to non …
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-temporal dependence between consecutive periods. A mathematical relationship is derived in which the complement of the system efficiency … efficiency in the literature produces over-estimated scores when the dynamic nature is ignored. This makes it necessary to …
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In this paper we consider aggregate Malmquist productivity index measures which allow inputs to be reallocated within the group (when in output orientation). This merges the single period aggregation results allowing input reallocation of Nesterenko and Zelenyuk (2007) with the aggregate...
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There are some specific features of the non-radial data envelopment analysis (DEA) models which cause some problems for the returns to scale measurement. In the scientific literature on DEA, some methods were suggested to deal with the returns to scale measurement in the non-radial DEA models....
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In this note we derive alternative weighting schemes that complement those of Färe and Zelenyuk (2003) for consistent aggregation of Farrell efficiencies when the technology exhibits (global) constant returns to scale.
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This paper deals with the inverse Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) under inter-temporal dependence assumption. Both problems, input-estimation and output-estimation, are investigated. Necessary and sufficient conditions for input/output estimation are established utilizing Pareto and weak Pareto...
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This paper uses a fully nonparametric approach to estimate efficiency measures for primary care units incorporating the … have a significant and negative effect on efficiency estimates. …
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