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of performance-based logistics (PBL) has increased. PBL represents a class of business strategies that converts the …-based approaches to evaluate how a supplier and customer will engage in a performance based logistics arrangement where spares …
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paper, we present a review that highlights the contribution of Operations Research to green logistics, which involves the … integration of environmental aspects in logistics. We give a sketch of the present and possible developments, focussing on design … also indicate several areas where environmental aspects could be included in OR models for logistics. …
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The location of a distribution center (DC) is a key consideration for the design of supply chain networks. When deciding on it, firms usually allow for transportation costs, but not supplier prices. We consider simultaneously the location of a DC and the choice of suppliers offering different,...
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We examine neighborhood structures for heuristic search applicable to a general class of vehicle routing problems (VRPs). Our methodology utilizes a cyclic-order solution encoding, which maps a permutation of the customer set to a collection of many possible VRP solutions. We identify the best...
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We consider the problem of finding the optimal routing of a single vehicle that delivers K different products to N customers according to a particular customer order. The demands of the customers for each product are assumed to be random variables with known distributions. Each product type is...
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Intense competition in markets is pushing companies to increase their operational efficiency. One possible way to achieve increased efficiency is through cooperation with other companies. We study the coalition formation among small shippers in a transportation market characterized by uncertain...
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We propose a profit maximization model for the decision support system of a firm that wishes to establish or rationalize a multinational manufacturing and distribution network to produce and deliver finished goods from sources to consumers. The model simultaneously evaluates all traditional...
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We develop methods to estimate and exactly calculate the expected cost of a priori policies for the multi-compartment vehicle routing problem with stochastic demands, an extension of the classical vehicle routing problem where customer demands are uncertain and products must be transported in...
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to charge a price premium. This paper investigates the effects of different pricing schemes for a Third Party Logistics …. In a price- and time-sensitive logistics market, we derive the optimal quotations that should be made for price and … logistics market parameters, we show that charging according to an order’s time of arrival is not necessarily the best pricing …
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This paper considers the block relocation problem (BRP), in which a set of identically-sized items is to be retrieved from a set of last-in-first-out (LIFO) stacks in a specific order using the fewest number of moves. The problem is encountered in the maritime container shipping industry and...
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