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scientific innovation and development. This book examines how one could derive and develop insights in these areas from the four … vantage points of Arts, Research, Innovation and Society. Among the principal questions that are examined include: - Could and …, scientific and economic innovation? As the inaugural book in the Arts, Research, Innovation and Society series, this book uses a …
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Responsible research and innovation (RRI) is a governance framework promoted by influential policy makers such as the … that can assist practitioners in implementing RRI in business and industry. Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) is …
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of pharmaceutical innovation: new management methods in the drug development pipeline; new technologies as enablers for … cutting-edge R&D; and new forms of cooperation and internationalization, such as open innovation in the early phases of R … expanded to reflect the latest updates in open and collaborative innovation, the greater strategic importance of venture …
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This book promotes the creation of advanced knowledge-based economies driven by innovation networks and the continuous …-based industries of the Asia Pacific, and highlights research on: modes of creativity and innovation; intellectual property; the … components of national innovation systems such as firms, education and training; knowledge and technical infrastructure; and …
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Theoretische und empirische Grundlagen -- Formulierung eines theoretischen Untersuchungsrahmens und Hypothesenableitung -- Empirische Untersuchung(en) -- Zusammenfassung und Implikationen -- Schlussbemerkungen.
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volume offers an in-depth analysis of the Korean innovation system and shows how its science and technology policies actually …
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Introduction: Managing Innovation in Turbulent Times -- Introduction: Managing Innovation in Turbulent Times … -- Innovation and International Strategy -- R&D, Innovation and Growth: Performance of the World’s Leading Technology Corporations … Multinational Corporations: Some Recent Trends -- The Chemical Industry Drives Innovation also in Times of Crisis: BASF as an …
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How some firms manage to capture more value than others is a question central to practitioners and researchers alike. In this context, Timo Fischer conducts three empirical studies. The first study analyzes non-linearities in the effectiveness of appropriability mechanisms and interactions...
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