Showing 1 - 10 of 336
of pharmaceutical innovation: new management methods in the drug development pipeline; new technologies as enablers for … cutting-edge R&D; and new forms of cooperation and internationalization, such as open innovation in the early phases of R … expanded to reflect the latest updates in open and collaborative innovation, the greater strategic importance of venture …
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Edwin Mansfield was a research pioneer into the economics of R and D and technological change. As appreciation and remembrance for his scholarly contributions, eminent scholars have contributed original papers for this edited volume. The authors have followed the 'Mansfieldian' approach of...
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Introduction: Managing Innovation in Turbulent Times -- Introduction: Managing Innovation in Turbulent Times … -- Innovation and International Strategy -- R&D, Innovation and Growth: Performance of the World’s Leading Technology Corporations … Multinational Corporations: Some Recent Trends -- The Chemical Industry Drives Innovation also in Times of Crisis: BASF as an …
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R&D is the single most important investment for any company or any society. Its ultimate product is an innovation …
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To explain the importance of scientific research and technological innovation for industrial countries and in … a historical and theoretical perspective on scientific-technological innovation and its importance for industrial growth …Explains the importance of scientific research and technological innovation for industrial countries and in particular …
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Die systematische Planung und Entwicklung neuer Produkte, Dienstleistungen und Problemlösungen erlaubt es Unternehmen, auf dem Markt erfolgreich zu sein und durch Wertschöpfung zum Erfolg der Gesellschaft beizutragen. Die Prinzipien systematischer Entwicklung müssen für materielle oder...
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Firms without research and development (R&D) have frequently been neglected by mainstream innovation research. The … that non-R&D-performing firms show a “typical”, homogeneous innovation pattern. Oliver Som challenges this assumption … innovation patterns of non-R&D-performers. The findings impressively underline the need for future innovation research …
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-- Technology-Push- und Lead-User-Ansatz -- Marktorientierte Innovation -- Ideenmanagement -- Mit Technologietransfermanagement … Technology-Push- und Lead-User-Ansatz Marktorientierte Innovation Ideenmanagement Technologietransfermanagement Identifizierung …
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Wertschöpfungsketten -- SQAT - Ein strategisches Tool zur bionischen Innovation -- Konfrontationstechniken - Systematische Anregung … arbeitet bei der Input Consulting AG als Unternehmensberater in den Bereichen Strategie, Marketing und Innovation. …
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