Showing 1 - 10 of 34
After the introduction in Section 2, we very briefly sketch out current theoretical and empirical developments in the social sciences. In our view, they all point in the same direction: toward the acute and increasing need for multidisciplinary longitudinal data covering a wide range of living...
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Erwerbstätigen beurteilen in Deutschland ihr Einkommen als ungerecht. Genauso scheint der in der Literatur für die Makroebene der …
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Die Erbschaft- und Schenkungsteuer muss grundlegend reformiert werden. Grund- und Betriebsvermögen sollen nach dem Ertragswertverfahren bewertet werden. Das bedeutet eine deutliche Annäherung an die Verkehrswerte, macht jedoch das Besteuerungsverfahren aufwändiger und streitanfälliger. Ein...
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Well-being development at the end of life is often characterized by steep deteriorations, but individual differences in these terminal declines are substantial and not yet well understood. This study moved beyond the typical consideration of health predictors and explored the role of social...
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The mental health and well-being of refugees are both prerequisites for and indicators of social integration. Using data from the first wave of a representative prospective panel of refugees living in Germany, we investigated how different living conditions, especially those subject to...
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In Deutschland stehen für Fragen der empirischen Bildungsforschung überwiegend Querschnittserhebungen zur Verfügung …
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This article describes how the German Socio-Economic Panel longitudinal study project developed over the years 1983 to 1989, a period when practical experience was being gathered with the first six waves and when the further funding for this large-scale project was a constant issue. During this...
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This paper discusses how household panels in general - and the German Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP) in particular - can serve as reference data for researchers collecting datasets that do not represent the full universe of the population of interest (e.g., through clinical trials, intervention...
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Using data from the German Socio-Economic Panel Survey (SOEP), this paper assesses the relationship between life satisfaction and religious practice. The main new result here is longitudinal. It is shown that individuals who become more religious over time record long term gains in life...
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