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We present the results of an experiment on voluntary contributions to a public good with a unique dominant strategy … which combines altruism and decision errors fits quite well our laboratory data. Copyright Kluwer Academic Publishers 2001 …
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We look at gender differences among adolescents in Sweden in preferences for competition, altruism and risk. For …
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Objective: To use meta-analysis techniques to assess the impact of various factors on the extent of cooperation in standard linear public goods experiments using the voluntary contributions mechanism. Data Sources: Potentially relevant experiments were identified through searches of EconLit, the...
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of voluntary punishment. In our experiment, allowing punishment of punishing behaviors reduces punishment of high …
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underlie such behavior, including altruism, strategic motives, and direct or indirect positive reciprocity. It is not yet well … over time. We use a laboratory experiment to study the elements and dynamics of favor trading in a particular setting: the … private provision of a public good. In our experiment, giving subjects the ability to practice targeted reciprocity by making …
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This paper investigates a novel public goods game where contributions to the public goods require effort that is observable. When the players are observed, they exert more effort to contribute to the public goods, and free-riding diminishes significantly compared to the no observer case. These...
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When public goods can only be provided when donations cross a minimum threshold, this creates an advantage in that Pareto Efficient outcomes can be Nash Equilibria. Despite this, experiments have shown that groups struggle to coordinate on one of the many efficient equilibria. We apply a...
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