Showing 1 - 10 of 11
"This Methodenreport systematically compiles existing datasets in Germany and explores their suitability for evaluation of sectoral minimum wages according to the German 'Arbeitnehmer-Entsendegesetz' (posted workers act). It aims at making new data sources known, assessing the potential of data...
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"Researchers in Germany have nowadays access to confidential micro data compiled from official statistics in a way that could not have been dreamt of just a few years ago. This paper describes the new institutions that grant data access - most importantly the research data centers located inside...
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"Following the exceedingly positive response to our Annual Report 2007, you now have the Annual Report 2008 of the Research Data Centre (FDZ) of the Federal Employment Agency at the Institute for Employment Research in this FDZ Methodenreport. Like last year, the FDZ Annual Report 2008 is not a...
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"In Germany, process-generated data and survey data on firms are collected by different data producers. Each data producer provides access for researchers to its data, but the combination of datasets from different producers is not possible at the moment. A new project (KombiFiD) aims to...
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"Nach den beiden Evaluationen 2006 durch den Rat für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsdaten und 2007 durch den Wissenschaftsrat möchte das Forschungsdatenzentrum der Bundesagentur für Arbeit im Institut für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung (FDZ) in Zukunft regelmäßig über seine Aktivitäten...
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"The report presents the first results of combining an extract from the German Business Register System of the Federal Statistics Office with the Establishment-History-Panel (BHP) of the Institute for Employment Research (IAB). This was done in the context of the feasibility study 'Combined firm...
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"Following the exceedingly positive response to our Annual Report 2007, you now have the Annual Report 2008 of the Research Data Centre (FDZ) of the Federal Employment Agency at the Institute for Employment Research in this FDZ Methodenreport. Like last year, the FDZ Annual Report 2008 is not a...
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"Die FDZ entwickeln das Datenangebot für die wissenschaftliche Forschung kontinuierlich auf der Basis des bestehenden Datenbedarfs und in Kooperation mit der Wissenschaft weiter. Der Beitrag gibt einen Überblick über den aktuellen Stand des Datenangebotes und beschreibt einige...
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"Bei den Statistischen Ämtern des Bundes und der Länder und im Institut für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung der Bundesagentur für Arbeit werden zahlreiche Daten für Unternehmen bzw. Betriebe gesammelt und aufbereitet. Durch das Unternehmensregister ist bei den Statistischen Ämtern eine...
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"Unemployment information in individual level register data depends on institutional settings, administrative procedures and which registers are merged. In this paper we suggest different implementation strategies for common international and German legal unemployment definitions for the Sample...
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