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dispersion reduces welfare by creating mismatch between posted prices and money balances. Inflation exacerbates this welfare loss …
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the cost of inflation. Our model features a strategic complementarity between the buyers' ex ante choice of money balances … inefficient and welfare-ranked. Effects of inflation are highly nonlinear. When inflation is high, the buyer's money holdings bind …, and inflation therefore reduces trade through a standard real-balance channel. When inflation is low, the seller …
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We argue that long-run inflation has nonlinear and state-dependent effects on unemployment, output, and welfare. Using … anticipated inflation and unemployment. Second, there is also a positive correlation between anticipated inflation and … unemployment volatility. Third, the long-run inflation-unemployment relationship is not only positive, but also stronger when …
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The most common New-Keynesian model -- with sticky-prices -- has potentially implausible implications in a zero-lower bound environment. Fiscal and forward guidance multipliers can be implausibly large. Moreover, the sticky-price model implies that positive supply shocks, such as an increase in...
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We study aggregate, distributional, and welfare effects of a permanent reduction in the capital tax rate in a quantitative model with capital-skill complementarity and household heterogeneity. Such a tax reform leads to expansionary long-run aggregate output and investment effects, but those are...
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When Roosevelt abandoned the gold standard in April 1933, he converted government debt from a tax-backed claim to gold to a claim to dollars, opening the door to unbacked fiscal expansion. Roosevelt followed a state-contingent fiscal rule that ran nominal-debt-financed primary deficits until the...
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patterns in economic activity and inflation following oil price shocks in the euro area. In the 'normal regime', oil price … shocks are followed by sizeable and sustained macroeconomic fluctuations, with inflation and economic activity moving in the … same direction as the oil price. The responses of inflation expectations and wage growth point to second-round effects as a …
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that the oil price passes through core inflation only via its effect on the whole economy. This pass-through is estimated …
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inflation and deflationary biases in inflation expectations. In a model with an occasionally binding zero-lower-bound constraint …, we show that an inflation bias as well as a deflationary bias exist as a steady-state outcome. We assess the predictions … of this model using unique individual-level inflation expectations data across nine countries that allow for a direct …
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We analyze the economic consequences of forming a monetary union among countries with varying degrees of financial distortions, which interact with the firms' pricing decisions because of customer-market considerations. In response to a financial shock, firms in financially weak countries (the...
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