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chooses to stabilize wage inflation at the expense of price inflation, a policy resembling the policy that is optimal in the …
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US monetary policy was constrained from 2008 to 2015 by the zero lower bound, during which the Federal Reserve would likely have lowered the federal funds rate further if it were able to. This paper uses industry-level data to examine how growth was affected. Despite the zero bound constraint,...
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In expectations-driven liquidity traps, a higher inflation target is associated with lower inflation and consumption … optimal inflation target. Using a calibrated New Keynesian model with an effective lower bound (ELB) constraint on nominal … optimal inflation target nontrivially. Our analysis provides a reason to be cautious about the argument that central banks …
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We analyze credible forward guidance policies in a sticky-price model with an effective lower bound (ELB) constraint on nominal interest rates by solving a series of optimal sustainable policy problems indexed by the duration of reputational loss. Lower-for-longer policies --- while effective in...
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policy rate will become constrained in the future lowers today's inflation by creating tail risk in future inflation and thus … reducing expected inflation. In an empirically rich model calibrated to match key features of the U.S. economy, we find that … the tail risk induced by the ELB causes inflation to undershoot the target rate of 2 percent by as much as 50 basis points …
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active monetary policy by pursuing inflation and output stability over the entire post-war period. Even after accounting for … productivity and cost shocks that de-anchored inflation expectations, propagated via self-fulfilling inflation expectations and … constituted the primary sources of the run-up in inflation from the 1960s through the late 1970s …
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inflation volatility and mean unemployment rate is feasible when an asymmetric policy rule is adopted …
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We study the term structure of default-free interest rates in a sticky-price model with an occasionally binding effective lower bound (ELB) constraint on interest rates and recursive preferences. The ELB constraint induces state-dependency in the dynamics of term premiums by affecting...
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shortfalls in inflation and output relative to exogenous trends, and the policy rate is kept at the ELB until the joint shortfall … is made up. Bernanke's second proposal adds only the cumulative inflation shortfall since the beginning of an ELB episode … directly to an otherwise standard Taylor rule. This cumulative shortfall in inflation from the 2 percent objective can be …
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of the responsiveness of price inflation to that slack. Using stochastic simulations of a small-scale version of the … setting the policy rate, and substitute toward a more forceful response to inflation, is overstated. We find that a notable … response to the unemployment gap is typically beneficial, even if that gap is mismeasured. Even when the dynamics of inflation …
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