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factors of production (capital and labor). In contrast, the consequences of FDI from the capital abundant country (EU) to the … country CGE model, including the EU and the CEEC. A panel regression for both regions separately, helps to decide empirically … advantage (increase in global net trade) has contributed to a decline in the labor income shares in the EU. Additionally, those …
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different counterfactual post-Brexit scenarios, our main findings suggest that UKs (EUs) exports of goods to the EU (UK) are … effects for the EU are negligible in magnitude and statistically not different from zero. …
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In light of the recent discussion regarding the measurement of uncertainty and its impact on economic activity, this paper derives forward-looking measures of uncertainty and directional expectations for the CHF/EUR exchange rate based on over-the-counter option data and analyses its impact on...
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This paper provides new empirical evidence of the "euro effect" on bilateral trade by allowing for a heterogeneous impact on "new" and "old" EMU members. By applying a Poisson estimator and focusing on a sample of 38 countries, our results show a statistically insignificant euro's effect on...
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