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In this paper, I first provide a unifying approach to Mean-Variance analysis and Value at Risk, which highlights both their similarities and differences. Then I use it to explain how fund managers can take investment decisions within the well-known Mean-Variance allocation framework that satisfy...
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We compare the Sharpe rations of investment funds which combine one riskless and one risky asset following: i) timing strategies which forecast excess returns using simple regressions; ii) a strategy which uses multiple regression instead; and iii) a passive allocation which combines the funds in...
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Contrary to the classic framework of passive strategies, if investors exploit return predictability through active strategies then there is a tension between the mean-variance frontiers that drive empirical work and the mean-variance preferences that are used in finance theory. We show that...
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We use the recent introduction of biofuels to study the effect of industry factors on the relationships between wholesale commodity prices. Correlations between agricultural products and oil are strongest in the 2005-09 period, coinciding with the boom of biofuels, and remain substantial until...
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We propose new approaches to test for spanning in the return and stochastic discount factor mean-variance frontiers, which assess if either the centred or uncentred mean and cost representing portfolios are shared by the initial and extended sets of assets. We show that our proposed tests are...
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GARCH models are commonly used as latent processes in econometrics, financial economics and macroeconomics. Yet no exact likelihood analysis of these models has been provided so far. In this paper we outline the issues and suggest a Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm which allows the calculation...
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We develop generalised indirect inference procedures that handle equality and inequality constraints on the auxiliary model parameters. We also show that the asymptotic efficiency of such estimators can never decrease by explicitly taking into account Lagrange multipliers associated with...
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In this paper we use Spanish data to test the restrictions that a dynamic APT-type asset pricing model imposes on the risk-return relationship. For monthly returns on ten size-ranked portfolios and a value-weighted index, we find that those restrictions are rejected for different versions of the...
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We analyse the Generalised Hyperbolic distribution as a model for fat tails and asymmetries in multivariate conditionally heteroskedastic dynamic regression models. We provide a standardised version of this distribution, obtain analytical expressions for the log-likelihood score, and explain how...
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We study the effect of the predictability of an assets return on the prices of options on that asset, for models in which returns are serially uncorrelated, yet predictable on the basis of a larger information set. We show that return predictability may matter in a discrete time world,...
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