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links both the cyclical fluctuations and the mean level of unemployment to the aggregate business cycle risk. The key result … of the paper is that business cycles are costly for all consumers, regardless of their wealth, yet that unemployment … fluctuations themselves are not the source of these costs. Rather fluctuations over the cycle induce higher average unemployment …
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cycle dynamics of separation and job finding rates and to quantify their contributions to overall unemployment variability …. Cyclical changes in the separation rate lead those of unemployment, while the job finding rate and unemployment move … contemporaneously. Fluctuations in the separation rate explain between 40 and 50 percent of fluctuations in unemployment, depending on …
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unemployment duration and the quality of reemployment. …
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There is an ongoing discussion that centres on the German labour market reforms (2003- 2005) and the role of these reforms in boosting the German economy. Considering that one of the main objectives of the reforms was to improve the matching process on the labour market, I use rich,...
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this episode assume that a worker leaving unemployment moves into full employment. We ask where the unemployed actually … went. Using and merging two large micro data sets, we account for the decrease of unemployment by computing inflows and … outflows between unemployment and 16 other labour market states. Direct flows between unemployment and full employment …
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Konjunkturzyklus. Es zeigt sich, dass der jahrzehntelange Aufwärtstrend der Arbeitslosigkeit in Deutschland vollständig durch Hysterese … erklärt werden kann. Dagegen folgte die Arbeitslosigkeit in den USA keinem Hysterese-Muster, auch nicht während der großen … Rezession. Deutschland überstand diese Rezession so gut, weil sowohl Hysterese als auch strukturelle Arbeitslosigkeit durch …
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for only a small portion of the fluctuations in unemployment and vacancies (Shimer (2005a)). In this paper, the author … vintages of entrants are able to account for fluctuations in unemployment and vacancies and that, in this environment, specific …
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unemployment over the business cycle, it implies a far too strong rise of the unemployment rate when unemployment benefits rise … of unemployment but at the same time implies a reasonable elasticity of unemployment with respect to benefits …
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This paper analyses how differences in the degree of occupational routine-intensity affect the costs of job loss. We use worker-level data on mass layoffs in Germany between 1980 and 2010 and provide causal evidence that workers who used to be employed in more routine-intensive occupa-tions...
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global financial markets enables capital owners to invest abroad, thereby fostering unemployment at the extensive industry … margin. Whether a country benefits from FDI in terms of unemployment depends on the respective country's net-FDI, measured as … the difference between in- and outward FDI. The derived FDI and unemployment nexus is tested employing macroeconomic data …
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