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In economic theory, both discrete and continuous time models are commonly believed to be equivalent in the sense that one can always be used to approximate the other, or equivalently, any phenomena present in one is also present in the other. This common belief is misguided. Both (strict) local...
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Using a dynamic real options approach we show that managerial flexibility is strengthening the first-mover advantage in bargaining M&As by undermining the bargaining power of the second mover.
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Following the framework of Klein [1996. Journal of Banking and Finance 20, 1211–1229], this paper presents an improved method of pricing vulnerable options under jump diffusion assumptions about the underlying stock prices and firm values which are appropriate in many business situations. In...
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Recent progresses in option pricing using ARCH processes for the underlying are summarized. The stylized facts are multiscale heteroscedasticity, fat-tailed distributions, time reversal asymmetry, and leverage. The process equations are based on a finite time increment, relative returns,...
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This paper studies the hedging performance of static replication approach proposed by Derman, Ergener, and Kani (DEK, 1995) for continuous barrier options under the constant elasticity of variance (CEV) model of Cox (1975) and Cox and Ross (1976), and then focuses on how to improve the DEK...
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This paper shows that the standard textbook formula for computing the present value of a future random cash flow – the discounted expected value – is formally incorrect and can generate significant errors when used to compute present values. The correct present value method is provided as...
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The term structure of commodity futures is important information for traders and investors. Traditional term-structure strategies are static; they tend to use the slope of term structure at a given moment. Instead, our trading strategy uses the change of term structure and generates statistically...
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We introduce a model in which a regulator employs mechanism design to embed her human capital beta signal(s) in a firm’s capital structure. This can enhance her compensation at the firm, and the value of her contract with the firm in the form of an executive stock option. We prove that the...
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We test the accuracy and hedging performance of the deltas given by a range of nonparametric measure changes. The nonparametric models accurately estimate deltas across a number of asset price dynamics. The optimal nonparametric measure change displays superior estimation bias, which depends on...
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In this paper, we present closed-forms for the valuation of the barrier option whose underlying is exchange rate under the multi-dimensional Levy process, including stochastic interest rates and stochastic assets. Instantaneous forward interest rates are assumed under the Heath et al. [1992....
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