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This paper extends the known results on the equivalence between market completeness and the uniqueness of martingale measures for finite asset economies, to the infinite asset case. Our arguments employ results from the theory of linear operators between locally convex topological vector spaces....
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In this paper we consider the valuation of an option with time to expiration $T$ and pay-off function $g$ which is a convex function (as is a European call option), and constant interest rate $r$, in the case where the underlying model for stock prices $(S_t)$ is a purely discontinuous process...
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An incomplete market driven by a pair of Wiener and Poisson processes is considered. The range of European and American claim prices is determined.
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We outline a martingale duality method for determining the minimal entropy martingale measure in a general continuous semimartingale model, and provide the relevant verification results. This method is illustrated by a detailed case study of the Stein and Stein stochastic volatility model driven...
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Asset prices discounted by a tradable numeraire N should be (local) martingales under some measure Q that is equivalent to the original probability measure P. Instead of studying the set of equivalent martingale measures with respect to a prespecified numeraire, we will look for a tradable...
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In this note, we prove that under some minor conditions on $\sigma$, if a martingale $X_t = \int_0^t \sigma_u dW_u $ satisfies, for every given pair $u \geq 0, \, \xi \geq 0$, $X_{u+\xi}-X_u{\mathop{=}^{\mathrm{(law)}}} X_{\xi},$ then necessarily, $|\sigma_u|$ is a constant and X is a constant...
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In this paper two kinds of cumulant processes are studied in a general setting. These processes generalize the cumulant of an infinitely divisible random variable and they appear as the exponential compensator of a semimartingale. In a financial context cumulant processes lead to a generalized...
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We use the Cox process (or a doubly stochastic Poisson process) to model the claim arrival process for catastrophic events. The shot noise process is used for the claim intensity function within the Cox process. The Cox process with shot noise intensity is examined by piecewise deterministic...
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