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We discuss here an alternative interpretation of the familiar binomial lattice approach to option pricing, illustrating it with reference to pricing of barrier options, one- and two-sided, with fixed, moving or partial barriers, and also the pricing of American put options. It has often been...
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We firstly consider an investor faced with the classical Merton problem of optimal investment in a log-Brownian asset and a fixed-interest bond, but constrained only to change portfolio (and, if relevant, consumption) choices at times which are a multiple of h. We show that the cost of this...
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In a sequence of fascinating papers, Leland and Leland and Toft have investigated various properties of the debt and credit of a firm which keeps a constant profile of debt and chooses its bankruptcy level endogenously, to maximise the value of the equity. One feature of these papers is that the...
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A passport option, as introduced and marketed by Bankers Trust, is a call option on the balance of a trading account. The strategy that this account follows is chosen by the option holder, subject to position limits. <p>We derive a simplified form for the price of the passport option using local...</p>
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In this article we are interested in option pricing in markets with bubbles. A bubble is defined to be a price process which, when discounted, is a local martingale under the risk-neutral measure but not a martingale. We give examples of bubbles both where volatility increases with the price...
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A variance swap is a derivative with a path-dependent payoff which allows investors to take positions on the future variability of an asset. In the idealised setting of a continuously monitored variance swap written on an asset with continuous paths, it is well known that the variance swap...
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<Para ID="Par1">We consider the problem of giving a robust, model-independent, lower bound on the price of a forward starting straddle with payoff <InlineEquation ID="IEq1"> <EquationSource Format="TEX">$|F_{T_{1}} - F_{T_{0}}|$</EquationSource> </InlineEquation>, where 0T <Subscript>0</Subscript>T <Subscript>1</Subscript>. Rather than assuming a model for the underlying forward price (F <Subscript> t </Subscript>)<Subscript> t≥0</Subscript>, we assume that call prices for maturities T...</subscript></subscript></subscript></subscript></subscript></equationsource></inlineequation></para>
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