Showing 1 - 10 of 87
We propose a new model for pricing of bonds and their options based on the short rate when the latter exhibits a step function like behaviour. The model produces realistic looking spot rate curves, and allows one to derive explicit formulae for the yield curve and put and cap options. This model...
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We consider a diffusion type model for the short rate, where the drift and diffusion parameters are modulated by an underlying Markov process. The underlying Markov process is assumed to have a stochastic differential driven by Wiener processes and a marked point process. The model for the short...
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Standard derivative pricing theory is based on the assumption of agents acting as price takers on the market for the underlying asset. We relax this hypothesis and study if and how a large agent whose trades move prices can replicate the payoff of a derivative security. Our analysis extends...
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A passport option, as introduced and marketed by Bankers Trust, is a call option on the balance of a trading account. The strategy that this account follows is chosen by the option holder, subject to position limits. <p>We derive a simplified form for the price of the passport option using local...</p>
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An investor faced with a contingent claim may eliminate risk by (super-) hedging in a financial market. As this is often quite expensive, we study partial hedges which require less capital and reduce the risk. In a previous paper we determined quantile hedges which succeed with maximal...
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We discuss here an alternative interpretation of the familiar binomial lattice approach to option pricing, illustrating it with reference to pricing of barrier options, one- and two-sided, with fixed, moving or partial barriers, and also the pricing of American put options. It has often been...
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In this paper, a class of forward rate dependent Markovian transformations of the Heath-Jarrow-Morton [16] term structure model are obtained by considering volatility processes that are solutions of linear ordinary differential equations. These transformations generalise the Markovian systems...
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This paper develops methods for relating the prices of discrete- and continuous-time versions of path-dependent options sensitive to extremal values of the underlying asset, including lookback, barrier, and hindsight options. The relationships take the form of correction terms that can be...
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In this paper we discuss the superreplication of derivatives in a stochastic volatility model under the additional assumption that the volatility follows a bounded process. We characterize the value process of our superhedging strategy by an optimal-stopping problem in the context of the...
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A new model of a financial market is introduced extending the multidimensional Black-Scholes model to the case where several assets can interact with each other even in the absence of noise. Sufficient conditions for the existence of the equivalent martingale measure, absence of arbitrage and...
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