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The aim of the paper is to develop pricing formulas for long term European type Asian options written on the exchange rate in a two currency economy. The exchange rate as well as the foreign and domestic zero coupon bond prices are assumed to follow geometric Brownian motions. <p>The emphasis is...</p>
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We introduce a general class of interest rate models in which the value of pure discount bonds can be expressed as a functional of some (low-dimensional) Markov process. At the abstract level this class includes all current models of practical importance. By specifying these models in...
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In this paper, we study the nonemptiness and the shape of the exercise region of American options written on several assets. Our contribution is threefold. First, we state an analytic theorem which characterizes the nonemptiness of the exercise region. Second, we study a particular class of...
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The main result of the paper is a stability theorem for the Snell envelope under convergence in distribution of the underlying processes: more precisely, we prove that if a sequence $(X^n)$ of stochastic processes converges in distribution for the Skorokhod topology to a process $X$ and...
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Recently, various authors proposed Monte-Carlo methods for the computation of American option prices, based on least squares regression. The purpose of this paper is to analyze an algorithm due to Longstaff and Schwartz. This algorithm involves two types of approximation. Approximation one:...
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We show that the sequential closure of a family of probability measures on the canonical space of càdlàg paths satisfying Stricker’s uniform tightness condition is a weak∗ compact set of semimartingale measures in the dual pairing of bounded continuous functions and Radon measures, that...
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In this paper two kinds of cumulant processes are studied in a general setting. These processes generalize the cumulant of an infinitely divisible random variable and they appear as the exponential compensator of a semimartingale. In a financial context cumulant processes lead to a generalized...
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We use the Cox process (or a doubly stochastic Poisson process) to model the claim arrival process for catastrophic events. The shot noise process is used for the claim intensity function within the Cox process. The Cox process with shot noise intensity is examined by piecewise deterministic...
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This paper considers the problem of pricing discrete barrier options. A discrete barrier option is a barrier option where the barrier is monitored only at specific dates. This paper continues the work initiated by Broadie et al. in [B-G-K] and determine formulas to estimate the price of discrete...
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In the present paper we show how to extend any time-homogeneous short-rate model to a model that can reproduce any observed yield curve, through a procedure that preserves the possible analytical tractability of the original model. In the case of the Vasicek (1977) model, our extension is...
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