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We construct a new measure of mortgage credit availability that describes the maximum amount obtainable by a borrower … of given characteristics. We estimate this "loan frontier" using mortgage originations data from 2001 to 2014 and show … that it reflects a binding borrowing constraint. Our estimates reveal that the expansion of mortgage credit during the …
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The Credit Card Accountability and Disclosure Act (CARD Act) of 2009 restricted several risk management practices of credit card issuers. Using a quasi-experimental design with credit bureau data on consumer lending, we find evidence consistent with the hypothesis that the act's restrictions on...
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We provide new evidence that credit supply shifts contributed to the U.S. subprime mortgage boom and bust. We collect … original data on both government and private mortgage insurance premiums from 1999-2016, and document that prior to 2008 … flat premium structure, which necessarily resulted in safer mortgages cross-subsidizing riskier ones, produced substantial …
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the Great Recession can be explained by reductions in the supply of mortgage credit. I construct a mortgage credit supply … instrument at the county level, the weighted average (by prerecession mortgage market shares) of liquidity-driven lender shocks … during the recession. The reduction in mortgage supply explains about 15 percent of the employment decline. The job losses …
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Public debt can be optimal in standard incomplete market models with infinitely lived agents, since the associated capital crowd-out induces a higher interest rate. The higher interest rate encourages individuals to save and, hence, better self-insure against idiosyncratic labor earnings risk....
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We explore the structural drivers of bank and nonbank credit cycles using an estimated medium-scale macro model that allows for bank and nonbank financial intermediation. We posit economy-wide aggregate and sectoral disturbances to potentially drive bank and nonbank credit growth. We find that...
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We modify the Diamond and Dybvig (1983) model of banking to jointly study various regulations in the presence of credit and run risk. Banks choose between liquid and illiquid assets on the asset side, and between deposits and equity on the liability side. The endogenously determined asset...
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-COFI mortgage"). This mortgage has fixed monthly payments equal to payments for traditional fixed-rate mortgages and does not … require a down payment. Also, unlike traditional fixed-rate mortgages, Fixed-COFI mortgages do not bundle mortgage financing …-COFI mortgage. Homeowners with "affordable" Fixed-COFI mortgages are rebated the "wedges" between the traditional fixed …
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in a large government mortgage program. The Federal Housing Administration (FHA) insures most mortgages to lower …-downpayment, lower credit score borrowers, including a majority of first-time homebuyers. The FHA charges borrowers an annual mortgage …
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