Showing 1 - 10 of 1,388
, administrative tax records, and national account aggregates. It assembles comprehensive data on formal income for high-income … percent of the total income over the period, placing Honduras among the most unequal countries in the world. Undistributed … corporate profits are the overwhelming income source at the very top of the distribution, highlighting its importance in the …
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The author addresses two issues. First, how can health inequalities be measured so as to take into account policymakers … information on health inequality be combined with information on the mean of the relevant distribution to obtain an overall … measure of health "achievement?" Applying the approach developed by Wagstaff shows how much worse some countries perform when …
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This paper analyzes the level and trends in inequality of opportunity among Egyptian children during the 2000s. The analysis uses severall tools, including comparison of the distributions of early risks and outcomes across circumstance groups; estimation of the human opportunity index;...
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Recent surveys show considerable progress in maternal and child health in Ethiopia. The improvement has been in health … outcomes and health services coverage. The study examines how different groups have fared in this progress. It tracked 11 … health outcome indicators and health interventions related to Millennium Development Goals 1, 4, and 5. These are stunting …
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This paper analyzes the level and trends in inequality of opportunity among Egyptian children during the 2000s. The analysis uses severall tools, including comparison of the distributions of early risks and outcomes across circumstance groups; estimation of the human opportunity index;...
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Recent surveys show considerable progress in maternal and child health in Ethiopia. The improvement has been in health … outcomes and health services coverage. The study examines how different groups have fared in this progress. It tracked 11 … health outcome indicators and health interventions related to Millennium Development Goals 1, 4, and 5. These are stunting …
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The author addresses two issues. First, how can health inequalities be measured so as to take into account policymakers … information on health inequality be combined with information on the mean of the relevant distribution to obtain an overall … measure of health "achievement?" Applying the approach developed by Wagstaff shows how much worse some countries perform when …
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, in a global dataset spanning 118 countries over the past four decades, changes in the share of income of the poorest … quintiles are generally small and uncorrelated with changes in average income. The variation in changes in quintile shares is … variation in income growth in the poorest quintiles. These findings hold across most regions and time periods and when …
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underlying the WBG indicator of "shared prosperity", namely income growth of the bottom 40 percent in every country. This paper … show that median income growth of the bottom 40 percent (circa 2005-2010) was 4.2 percent, a high number in comparison to … the 3.1 percent per capita income growth of the overall population. In addition, the low and lower-middle income countries …
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