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that the combined reforms could generate welfare gains equal to about 50 percent of aggregate consumer income. These gains … equal to about 10 percent of world market prices. Separately, trade reform would lead to gains of about 5 percent of income …, exchange rate reform to gains of 7 percent of income, and energy pricing reform to gains of 33 percent of income. The authors …
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In this paper, developed as part of the World Bank's Poverty Reduction Strategy Sourcebook, the authors examine how to … implement trade liberalization as part of a strategy for alleviating poverty in developing countries. They discuss trade policy … to trade policy as a tool for poverty alleviation. The authors examine the patterns or models of trade policy that have …
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The authors estimate that the Free Trade Agreement of the Americas (FTAA), the EU-MERCOSUR agreement, and multilateral trade policy changes will all be beneficial for Brazil. The Brazilian government strategy of simultaneously negotiating the FTAA and the EU-MERCOSUR agreement, while supporting...
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results with the impact of Russian accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO) on income distribution and the poor. The …
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poverty and distributional impacts, the model includes ten households in each of the seven federal okrugs, where household …
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of accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO) on income distribution and the poor. Their model is innovative in that …, they include foreign direct investment and Dixit-Stiglitz endogenous productivity effects in their trade and poverty … of the estimated gains falling within a range between 2 and 25 percent increases in household income. They show that …
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