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, in a global dataset spanning 118 countries over the past four decades, changes in the share of income of the poorest … quintiles are generally small and uncorrelated with changes in average income. The variation in changes in quintile shares is … variation in income growth in the poorest quintiles. These findings hold across most regions and time periods and when …
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income mobility in Malaysia in 2004-16. On aggregate, there were large reductions in chronic poverty and increases in …. Further, the poverty and income dynamics differ notably across geographic dimensions. Such disparities are most striking when …This study employs a synthetic panel approach based on nationally representative micro-level data to track poverty and …
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poor by this standard. The income poverty rate in 2005 is 10%, implying about 65 million more people living in poverty … implications of the new Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) rate (derived by the ICP) for China's poverty rate (by international … ICP data. Using an international poverty line of USD 1.25 at 2005 PPP, we find a substantially higher poverty rate for …
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, by the United Nations in 2015 should strengthen the focus of development interventions and cooperation on the income … growth of the bottom 40 percent of the income distribution (the bottom 40). However, little is known about within …
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Longstanding development issues are revisited in the light of a newly-constructed data set of poverty measures for … poverty measures since 1970, with an acceleration post-1991, despite rising inequality. Faster poverty decline came with … has ceased to matter, as all three sectors contributed to poverty reduction …
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, examines the role of income inequality for poverty reduction. The analysis finds that the assumption that income is log … highlight the important role income inequality can play in reducing poverty even if prior poverty changes have, in large part … growth in mean incomes and changes in the distribution of relative incomes to reductions in absolute poverty, and, in turn …
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The goals of ending extreme poverty by 2030 and working toward a more equal distribution of income are prominent in … countries comprising 97 percent of the world's population, this paper simulates a set of scenarios for global poverty from 2018 … poverty and inequality goals. The paper uses different assumptions about growth incidence curves to model changes in …
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data for fiscal year 2015. Evidence shows that Egyptian fiscal policy reduces income inequality, and that among individual … Egypt also led to a decrease in poverty, mostly from the flagship Tamween program. Poverty and inequality could be reduced …. The large gap between the government's expenditures and revenues helps explain the positive outcomes on poverty and …
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Unequal access to economic opportunity for individuals with different innate characteristics, such as ethnicity or parents' socioeconomic status, is often seen as both morally undesirable and bad for economic growth. This paper estimates inequality of opportunity, or the share of inequality...
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Many low-income countries, such as Haiti, have high ambitions and socioeconomic needs to achieve substantial income … growth, especially for the poorest income quintiles. This situation raises the question of policy prioritization, which is … often difficult to address, since reliable country-specific micro data are scarce in most low-income countries. Although …
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