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This paper analyzes the level and trends in inequality of opportunity among Egyptian children during the 2000s. The analysis uses severall tools, including comparison of the distributions of early risks and outcomes across circumstance groups; estimation of the human opportunity index;...
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Recent surveys show considerable progress in maternal and child health in Ethiopia. The improvement has been in health … outcomes and health services coverage. The study examines how different groups have fared in this progress. It tracked 11 … health outcome indicators and health interventions related to Millennium Development Goals 1, 4, and 5. These are stunting …
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The author addresses two issues. First, how can health inequalities be measured so as to take into account policymakers … information on health inequality be combined with information on the mean of the relevant distribution to obtain an overall … measure of health "achievement?" Applying the approach developed by Wagstaff shows how much worse some countries perform when …
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and health services. Drawing on multiple rounds of SUSENAS household surveys, they document a reversal in the rate of … decline in poverty and a slowdown in social sector improvements resulting from the economic crisis in the second half of the … 1990s. Carrying out traditional static benefit-incidence analysis of public spending in education and health, the authors …
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Standard methods of measuring poverty assume that an individual is poor if he or she lives in a family whose income or … poverty by gender. A more promising approach is likely to come within a broader definition of poverty that includes health … consumption lies below an appropriate poverty line. Such methods provide only limited insight into male and female poverty …
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performers in terms of health outcomes in Latin America, with one of the highest infant mortality rates, and one of the lowest … diarrhea, pneumonia, cholera, malnutrition, and tuberculosis. A significant share of Guatemalans lack access to health care … services. A combination of both supply- and demand-side constraints limit the ability of households to seek health care …
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This study examines the impact of a fee-waiver program for basic medical services on health care utilization in Armenia …. Because of the reduction in public financing of health services and decentralization and increased privatization of health … care provision, private out-of-pocket contributions are increasingly becoming a significant component of health costs in …
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health. For this reason, developing countries often do not have the budget to update their estimates of poverty and health …It is costly to collect the household- and individual-level data that underlies official estimates of poverty and …
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