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The paper provides new measures of global poverty that take seriously the idea of relative-income comparisons but also … model of relative-income comparisons calibrated to data on national poverty lines. Both bounds indicate falling global … acknowledge a deep identification problem when the latent norms defining poverty vary systematically across countries. Welfare …
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national assessments of who is considered poor. In many high-income countries, poverty lines are explicitly relative, set as a … share of mean or median income. Despite systematic variation in how countries define poverty, global poverty counts are …Poverty lines are typically higher in richer countries, and lower in poorer ones, reflecting the relative nature of …
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This paper constructs and tests the robustness of consistently measured poverty trends in the Islamic Republic of Iran … after 2008, using international poverty lines based on U.S. dollars at 2011 purchasing power parity. The constructed … estimates reveal three distinct periods of welfare in the Islamic Republic of Iran: increase in poverty and inequality between …
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The goals of ending extreme poverty by 2030 and working toward a more equal distribution of income are prominent in … countries comprising 97 percent of the world's population, this paper simulates a set of scenarios for global poverty from 2018 … poverty and inequality goals. The paper uses different assumptions about growth incidence curves to model changes in …
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The Millennium Development Goal of halving the incidence of extreme poverty from its 1990 level will be achieved in … 2015, and the international development community is now moving to a new goal of “ending extreme poverty.” However, the … countries have zero or only one poverty estimate. This paper refers to such lack of poverty data as “data deprivation,” because …
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poor by this standard. The income poverty rate in 2005 is 10%, implying about 65 million more people living in poverty … implications of the new Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) rate (derived by the ICP) for China's poverty rate (by international … ICP data. Using an international poverty line of USD 1.25 at 2005 PPP, we find a substantially higher poverty rate for …
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extent of chronic income poverty and chronic material deprivation among this group. The analysis reveals that some European … demographic groups. This paper uses data from European Union Statistics on Income and Living Conditions cross-sectional and … longitudinal surveys and the at-risk-of-poverty or social exclusion framework to analyze recent temporal trends in absolute …
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Standard methods of measuring poverty assume that an individual is poor if he or she lives in a family whose income or … poverty by gender. A more promising approach is likely to come within a broader definition of poverty that includes health … consumption lies below an appropriate poverty line. Such methods provide only limited insight into male and female poverty …
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This paper proposes two related measures of educational inequality: one for educational achievement and another for educational opportunity. The former is the simple variance (or standard deviation) of test scores. Its selection is informed by consideration of two measurement issues that have...
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Health systems are not just about improving health: good ones also ensure that people are protected from the financial … consequences of receiving medical care. Anecdotal evidence suggests health systems often perform badly in this respect, apparently … to measure financial protection in health. Both relate a household's out-of-pocket spending to a threshold defined in …
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