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This paper analyzes the level and trends in inequality of opportunity among Egyptian children during the 2000s. The analysis uses severall tools, including comparison of the distributions of early risks and outcomes across circumstance groups; estimation of the human opportunity index;...
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Half of all undernourished women and children in South Asia are not found in the bottom 40 percent of wealth-poor households. This paper quantifies the extent to which this inequality in nutritional status arises within households versus between households. In contrast to previous literature, it...
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estimates the impact of the 2009 global financial crisis on food expenditures, health care expenditures, and doctor visits in … matching technique. The analysis finds that household health and nutritional behavior indicators do not vary statistically … that crisis-affected poor families curtailed their out-of-pocket health expenditures during and after the crisis more than …
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capita income is today as a result of some of its workers having been stunted in childhood. The analysis uses a development … avoid double counting. The estimates show that, on average, the per capita income penalty from stunting is around 7 percent …
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specifically on the role of two areas of public policy, namely health system reforms and the one child policy. The empirical … relationship between income and nutritional status, and the extent to which that relationship is mediated by access to quality … variables models. In the preferred model - a fixed effects model where income is instrumented - the author find that being an …
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likely to face considerable exposure to uninsured income risk, such resource flows should translate into better risk bearing … very young children are particularly vulnerable to shocks that lead to growth faltering, with substantial long-term health … flows allow households to extend better nutrition and health care protection to girls. Recent work on the intra …
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