Showing 41 - 50 of 114
The link between federalism and economic performance is still ambiguous. Aiming at clarification, we improve on a widespread shortcoming by measuring federalism not just by one variable but by various institutions that constitute it. To this end, Switzerland provides for a laboratory as its 26...
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Marginal rates of contribution (MRC), i.e., the rates at which additional revenues are skimmed via larger contributions or lower transfer receipts, quantify the incentives of a fiscal equalization scheme. The present paper is the first to calculate the marginal rates of contribution for the...
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[Introduction] Contrary to its usage in current political discourse, the term neoliberalism originally referred to those schools of economic thought that opposed laissez-faire liberalism and wanted to assign a more active role to the state. Faced with the economic turmoil of the late 19th and...
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Die Wiedereinhaltung der Schuldenbremse auf der Bundesebene macht in den kommenden Jahren eine Reduktion der im Rahmen der Corona-Pandemie stark gestiegenen Neuverschuldung notwendig. Dieser Beitrag stellt die fiskalpolitischen Spielräume im Vergleich mit der maximal zulässigen...
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Die Corona-Krise wirkt wie ein Brandbeschleuniger in der Diskussion um das Ausmaß staatlichen Einflusses in der Sozialen Marktwirtschaft. Soll sich der Staat in Deutschland und Europa stärker steuernd in das Wirtschaftsgeschehen einmischen oder wird es vielmehr Zeit, den Marktmechanismen...
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Germany introduced a new fiscal rule, the 'debt brake', after the Global Financial Crisis and since then experienced a strong decline in its public debt to GDP ratio until the coronavirus pandemic struck. The past ten years and the reaction to the current crisis in Germany illustrate the...
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What is the appropriate role of the state in economic policy-making? This paper shows that Friedrich Hayek, who is often considered a proponent of laissez-faire liberalism, offers three different answers to this problem. First, Hayek argues that the state should provide a legal framework for...
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Previous empirical studies suggest that decentralization, measured by the number of government layers, is associated with less foreign direct investment (FDI). With an improved dataset on tax autonomy of sub-federal government tiers, we present evidence that fiscal decentralization (de facto)...
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[Einleitung ...] Dieser Beitrag vergleicht die unterschiedlichen haushalts- und aufsichtsrechtlichen Rahmen der Länder am Beispiel der kommunalen Verschuldung, der kommunalen Defizite und der kommunalen Kassenkredite mit der jeweiligen kommunalen Finanzlage. Kommunale Finanzprobleme sind kein...
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