Showing 1 - 10 of 31
We consider a discrete-time two-sector Cobb-Douglas economy with positive sector specific external effects. We show that indetermincay of steady states and cycles can easily arise with constant or decreasing social returns to scale, and very small market imperfections. This is in sharp contrast...
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We study cycles and chaos in economic models. Autonomous dynamical systems are considered through infinite time horizon optimization models. We first show how endogenous fluctuations arise in a multisector growth model. Secondly, we consider an extension of this model by allowing direct...
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We consider the determinacy of perfect foresight equilibrium near a steady state in an overlapping generations model with production and both altruistic and non altruistic agents having distinct utility functions. The proportions of each type of consumers is exogenously given. Such a model may...
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This paper shows that Barro's (1974) debt neutrliaty theorem does not hold in OLG economies whenever the marginal rate of substitution between both periods' consumptions evaluated at the modified golden rule capital stock is lower that the degree of intergenerational altruism. It could be...
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Ce papier est une presentation simple de la notion de determination des equilibres intertemporels. Il fournit un survol de la literature concernant l'etude des proprietes de stabilite des equilibres stationnaires dans les economies d'echanges composees d'agents a duree de vie infinie et/ou de...
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Nous etudions un modele de croissance a un secteur dans lequel coexistent a chaque periode un continuum d'agents a duree de vie finie, et d'agents a duree de vie infinie. Nous montrons que deux types d'equilibres stationnaires peuvent exister selon le niveau d'epargne stationnaire des agents a...
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This paper looks at the issue of existence and stability of steady state equilibria in an overlapping generations model with productive capital (a-la Diamond) augmented to include endogenous labour supply. The paper derives necessary and sufficient conditions under which a steady state...
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A simple model of the Arrow-Debreu type is used to analyze the short-run performance of an employee-controlled wage-maximizing economy. It is found that an increase in demand, caused by a shift in consumers' preferences, leads to a fall in a good's equilibrium price, which indicates that...
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