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This paper analyzes the relationship between education and health outcomes using a natural experiment in Turkey. The … substantially increased education in Turkey. Using the number of new middle school class openings per 1000 children as an intensity … attainment to investigate the impact of education on body mass index, obesity, smoking behavior, and self-rated health, as well …
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In this paper we study the allocation of time devoted to informal learning and education, i.e. those activities carried … out during leisure time and outside formal education courses which boost individuals’ human and social capital. For … education enhances the likelihood of greater socio-economic integration in the host society. We first develop a simple …
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primary school education from 7 to 8 years. At the same time, the reform did not affect the education system at post …-primary levels, that is the system of secondary and higher education. In result, all education tracks were extended by one year … reform had a negative impact on the hourly earnings of individuals with primary education. …
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We examine the phenomenon of forsaken schooling resulting from opportunities abroad. The brain-drain/gain literature takes as its starting point the migration of educated/professional labor from poor origin countries to richer host countries. While high-skilled emigration is troubling, even more...
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peak among those whose education was no longer compulsory. For schoolchildren in that age group, the negative effect of … increased gender inequality in education among children aged 12 to 18. This result suggests that COVID-19 lockdown measures may …
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received less attention is education quality. If technological change that reduces the reliance of production on emissions is … elastic skill supply through better education quality may mitigate adverse economic outcomes, including wage inequality, and … reliance on emissions for production. Having higher quality education-defined as the level of cognitive skills attained by …
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learn remotely are more likely to repeat grades and end their education early, especially where grades repetition is more … common: Spain, Germany, and Italy. Education policies should be designed accordingly. …
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This chapter reviews the growing body of research in economics which concentrates on the education gender gap and its … roughly goes from 1850 to the 1940s and documents the deep determinants of the early phase of female education expansion … contemporaneous gender gaps in education, from the 1950s to the present day, accounting for several alternative measures of attainment …
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We study the causal effect of maternal education on childhood immunization rates. We use the Compulsory Education Law … education of mothers increases the probability of completing the full course of DPT and Hepatitis B vaccinations for their …
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across countries, we find that initially authoritarian countries are slow in the vaccination process, while education is most …
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