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We analyze the short- and long-term effects of the U.S. Vietnam-era military service on veterans' health outcomes using a restricted version of the National Health Interview Survey 1974-2013 and employing the draft lotteries as an instrumental variable (IV). We start by assessing whether the...
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insured. Underreporting insurable wages is negatively correlated with education and work experience. High contribution rates …
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The growth of novel flexible work formats raises a number of questions about their effects upon health and the potential public policy implications. However, answering these questions is hampered by data and identification constraints. This is the first paper that draws on comprehensive...
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Employing nonparametric bounds, we examine the effect of military service on incarceration outcomes using the Vietnam draft lotteries as a possibly invalid instrumental variable for military service. The draft is allowed to have a direct effect on the outcomes independently of military service,...
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The strong relationship between various health indicators and education is widely documented. However, the studies that … developed countries. We add to this literature by studying the causal effect of education on days hospitalized and days out of … suggest that an increase in years of education causes to reduce the number of days hospitalized for both men and women …
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analysis of the causes of this event. Instrumental-variable estimates show that increasing female education and reduced infant … education with the years of schooling of people aged 40ñ64. These results are conÖrmed by the application of Lewbelís (2012 …
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In this paper, we use the Chinese General Social Survey data (2010-2017) to analyse the returns to different education … qualifications. We additionally compare the returns to vocational education with returns to academic education, at both the upper … secondary level and the tertiary level. Compared to those who only complete compulsory education, upper secondary graduates earn …
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Education can generate important externalities that contribute towards economic growth and convergence. In this paper …, we study the drivers of such externalities by conducting the first meta- analysis of the social returns to education …
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As China's firms upgrade their position in the quality ladder, vocational education may become more important. In this … paper, we study returns to secondary vocational education in China paying attention to individual heterogeneity. We use … of education. We find that vocational education provides a wage premium vis-à-vis academic education of over 30% but …
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education in China. To address possible endogeneity of vocational training due to omitted heterogeneity, we construct a novel … instrumental variable using the proportion of tertiary education graduates relative to the entire population by year. Our main … finding is that, although returns to vocational upper secondary education appear higher than returns to academic upper …
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