Showing 1 - 10 of 233
We exhibit and characterize an entire class of simple adaptive strategies, in the repeated play of a game, having the Hannan- consistency property: In the long-run, the player is guaranteed an average payoff as large as the best-reply payoff to the empirical distribution of play of the other...
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The backward induction (or subgame-perfect) equilibrium of a perfect information game is shown to be the unique evolutionarily stable outcome for dynamic models consisting of selection and mutation, when the mutation rate is low and the populations are large.
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This article proposes a method for considering the bargaining agenda as an endogenous phenomenon in gradual bargaining … games, understood as being path-dependent processes. Some short, medium and long-term results for bargaining are presented …
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explanation for delays in bargaining. …-inconsistent players in a sequential bargaining model. We first consider 'naive' agents who never learn about their types and show that … bargaining between such a player and a standard exponential agent ends in immediate agreement. The more naive a player, the …
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The resolution of a conflict often has an impact which extends beyond the remits of the parties directly involved in the confrontation (e.g. labour negotiations in sectors of public interest, where a strike would impact on the public at large). Once this is recognised, models addressing...
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We propose a new framework for bargaining in which the process follows an agenda. The agenda is represented by a family … \emph{bargaining solution} for an agenda specifies a path of agreements, one for each time. We characterize axiomatically a …. It can be viewed as the limit of a step-by-step bargaining process in which the agreement point of the last negotiation …
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We examine a simple bargaining setting, where heterogeneous buyers and sellers are repeatedly matched with each other …
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We consider an alternating offer bargaining model in which the players may agree to call in an arbitrator in case of …
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This article reports not only theoretical solution of bargaining problem as used by game theoreticians but also an …
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bargaining game. A general discussion was therefore conducted before the bargaining, followed by a poll in which players must … find a common solution to an abstract bargaining problem. On this issue, our conclusions are negative: no signifcant effect …
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