Showing 1 - 10 of 34
We discuss the strategy that rational agents can use to maximize their expected long-term payoff in the co-action minority game. We argue that the agents will try to get into a cyclic state, where each of the (2N+1) agents wins exactly N times in any continuous stretch of (2N+1) days. We propose...
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This paper experimentally investigates free-riding behavior on communication cost in a coordination game and finds …
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the most rewarding alternative is the one chosen by a single player. This coordination game has many asymmetric equilibria …
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together rather than investing separately. We study the coordination and cooperation problems that might hinder successful … collaboration in a dynamic network setting. We develop an experiment in which coordination problems are mainly due to finding … collaborate. The results show that as costs of forming links increase, groups succeed less often in solving the coordination …
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This paper addresses the role of affect and emotions in shaping the behavior of responders in the ultimatum game. A huge amount of research shows that players do not behave in an economically rational way in the ultimatum game, and emotional mechanisms have been proposed as a possible...
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We consider an evolutionary model of social coordination in a 2 × 2 game where two groups of players prefer to … the cost favor coordination. Indeed, when the cost is low, in inside-group interactions, players always coordinate on …
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In this paper, we study cooperation and coordination in a threshold public goods game with asymmetric players where … the threshold. We then study how multiple dimensions of inequality influence people's cooperation and coordination. We …
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presenting an overview of the literature that shows various coordination mechanisms but no backup agreement proposals for supply … chain coordination, this paper develops a decentralized three-echelon supply chain facing stochastic customer demand and … includes the backup agreement as a coordination mechanism to guarantee a balanced relationship between the chain members. The …
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When groups face difficult problems, the voices of experts may be lost in the noise of others' contributions. We present results from a "naturally noisy" setting, a large first-year undergraduate class, in which the expert's voice was "lost" to such a degree that bringing forward even more...
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The threshold protocol game is a graphical game that models the adoption of an idea or product through a population. There are two states players may take in the game, and the goal of the game is to motivate the state that begins in the minority to spread to every player. Here, the threshold...
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