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This paper analyses a model of legislative bargaining in which parties form tentative coalitions (protocoalitions) before deciding on the allocation of a resource. Protocoalitions may fail to reach an agreement, in which case they may be dissolved (breakdown) and a new protocoalition may form....
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produce for the endogenous formation of an international counterterror coalition. We show that there are quite reasonable … counterterror coalition, holding the choices of all other nations as given. The incentives to join the coalition are the group …-specific benefits from retaliation enjoyed by each coalition member, the relatively lower spillover benefit from retaliation enjoyed by …
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agents. The coalition with the greatest power wins the resource and divides it among its members via proportional sharing. We … by the coalition formation model with farsighted agents. …
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A standard result of coalition formation games is that stable coalitions are very small if the coalition plays Nash vis … coalition are possible if the marginal abatement cost is concave. The paper confirms this result, but shows that abatement … activities by large coalitions smaller than the grand coalition can be very small. This can be ‘repaired’ only by assuming that …
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Coalition formation is often analysed in an almost non-cooperative way, as a two-stage game that consists of a first … coalition structures with abstract physical games in terms of qualitative properties of their primitives. …
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-cooperative solution yields the best results, the noncooperative solution fares worst and the coalition games lie in between, with a broad … coalition of the fiscally more responsible countries and the central bank against the less thrifty countries coming closest to …
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We consider three-sided coalition formation problems when each agent is concerned about his local status as measured by … the average rankings of the other types of groups. We show that a core stable coalition structure always exists, provided …
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The literature on International Environmental Agreements (IEAs) predicts a rather low number of signatories to an IEA. This is in sharp contrast to empirical evidence. As experimental economics provides some evidence for more complex human behavior, extending the theory of IEAs to a broader...
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recursive core coalition structure may be either coarser or finer than the one that maximizes the social surplus. Moreover, the … general games, including non-superadditive games where the grand coalition does not form in equilibrium. We do not put any …
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A set of coalition structures P is farsightedly stable (i) if all possible deviations from any coalition structure p … belonging to P to a coalition structure outside P are deterred by the threat of ending worse off or equally well off, (ii) if … there exists a farsighted improvingpath from any coalition structure outside the set leading to some coalition structure in …
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