Showing 1 - 10 of 639
-interest or envy, of one bargaining party as private information in a three period game of bargaining and preference screening and … signaling. …
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account well for the observed fairness and cooperation in all the tested games. The impressive predictions of the theory … promoting fairness and cooperation in the discussed games is only marginal. Strikingly, the Golden Ratio, known for its … alternating offers, and the sequential CPR dilemma game. The emergence of the golden ratio as the fairness solution in these games …
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in real life. Our study involves 15 negotiations from Germany and China. Over the course of the negotiation, bargainers … negotiations are characterized by long periods of stagnation, only minimal concessions, and the communication of false goals. By …
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We report an experiment designed to study bargaining behavior between one buyer and multiple sellers with … complementarity and how it is influenced by fairness concern and information transparency. We base our setup on a structured … value of the deal approximately half-half with the buyer as a normative fairness benchmark. The buyers, on the other hand …
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fairness norms. Participants introduce fairness norms which yield a better outcome for themselves in order to convince the … other participant of their bargaining proposal. Typically, these fairness norms are in line with theoretical predictions …, which support a wide variety of different but fair outcomes the participants can choose from. In this experiment, we play …
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emotional mechanisms have been proposed as a possible explanation. In particular, feelings of fairness, anger and envy are …
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We consider Rubinstein’s two-person alternating-offer bargaining model with two-sided incomplete information. We investigate the effects of one party having relative concerns about the bargaining outcome and the delay in reaching an agreement. We find that facing an opponent with stronger...
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should only be rewarded for factors under their control. This fairness ideal does not hold subjects responsible for factors …
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Delegating bargaining to an intermediary agent is common practice in many situations. The proposer, while not actively bargaining, sets constraints on the intermediary agent's offer. We study ultimatum games where proposers delegate bargaining to an intermediary agent by setting boundaries on...
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