Showing 1 - 10 of 122
learning. In repeat-choice situations, such learning brings value. If probabilities appear favorable (unfavorable), a choice …, decision makers often prove to be blind to the learning opportunities offered by uncertain probabilities. They forgo … significant expected payoffs when they shun uncertain alternatives in favor of known ones. Worse, when information is revealed …
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In games with strategic substitutes (GSS), convergence of the best-response dynamic starting from the inf (or sup) of …, global stability is equivalent to dominance solvability, showing that in this class of games, two different foundations for …
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This paper aspires to fill a conspicuous gap in the literature regarding learning in games—the absence of empirical … verification of learning rules involving pattern recognition. Weighted fictitious play is extended to detect two-period patterns in … adequately represent the complete learning process of game players. Additionally, standard weighted fictitious play models are …
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Belief models capable of detecting 2- to 5-period patterns in repeated games by matching the current historical context …) using repeated games with a unique, albeit significantly different, stage mixed-strategy Nash equilibrium. Model comparisons …
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This paper studies the learning process carried out by two agents who are involved in many games. As distinguishing all … equilibrium partitions and action choices characterized. Learning across games can destabilize strict Nash equilibria even for … games can be too costly (require too much reasoning resources) agents might partition the set of all games into categories …
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coordination: a learning effect (early decisions reveal information) and a complementarity effect (early decisions eliminate …This paper investigates the role of endogenous timing of decisions on coordination under asymmetric information. In the … strategic uncertainty for late movers). The experiments that we conduct to test these theoretical results show that the learning …
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provide some necessary and some sufficient conditions for learning rules, that assume the agent has little prior and feedback … information about the environment, to reflect such preferences. We adopt the framework of Börgers, Morales and Sarin (2004 …, Econometrica) who provide similar results for learning rules that seek higher expected payoffs. Our analysis reveals that a concern …
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We consider minimum-effort games played in an arbitrary network. For a family of imitation behavioral rules, including … interaction structure, if information is limited to the interaction neighborhoods. In the presence of information spillovers, we … condition is violated we will observe inefficient conventions, even in the presence of information spillovers. …
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We revisit a result by Kim and Wong (2010) showing that under global interactions any strict Nash equilibrium of a coordination game can be supported as long run equilibrium by properly adding dominated strategies. We show that in the circular city model of local interactions and in the torus...
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We develop a dynamic model of opinion formation in social networks when the information required for learning a … successfully aggregate information and learn the true parameter. This result holds in spite of the apparent naïveté of agentsʼ … updating rule, the agentsʼ need for information from sources the existence of which they may not be aware of, worst prior views …
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