Showing 1 - 10 of 14
This paper analyzes growth and welfare effects of income taxation in a stochastic endogenous growth model with externalities in human-capital accumulation. The government participates in individual income risks by the collection of a flat-rate income tax that affects the mean and the variance of...
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Der vorliegende Beitrag analysiert den Einfluß von aggregierten Produktivitätsschocks auf die intertemporale Entscheidung risikoaverser Agenten. Dabei stehen insbesondere die Auswirkungen auf das langfristige Wachstum der Ökonomie im Vordergrund der Betrachtungen. Es wird gezeigt, daß neben...
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This paper analyzes the impact of pollution and abatement policy within a stochastic endogenous growth model. The agents have environmental preferences, but they neglect their individual contribution to aggregate abatement. Therefore, environmental care is done by the government and financed via...
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In diesem Papier wird untersucht, welche Auswirkungen die Verfügbarkeit von Infrastruktur auf die unternehmerische Investitionsentscheidung hat. Dabei ist unterstellt, dass Infrastruktur zum einen Input in der Produktionsfunktion ist und zum anderen die Höhe der Anpassungskosten beeinflusst....
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In this paper the impacts of income and consumption taxes are analyzed within a model of stochastic endogenous growth with congestion. It is shown that the optimal amount of governmental input diminishes with uncertainty and that the optimal financing depends on the relation between the degrees...
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This paper analyzes stochastic productive pollution within a model of endogenous growth. The extent to which the agents perceive their individual influence on aggregate pollution is parameterized. Recursive preferences allow for the separation between intertemporal substitutability and risk...
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Dieser Beitrag gibt einen Überblick über Ansatzpunkte und Möglichkeiten zur Integration von Lernprozessen in volkswirtschaftliche Fragestellungen. Es werden alternative Methoden vorgestellt, individuelle aber auch gesellschaftliche Lernenvorgänge in ökonomischen Modellen zu erfassen.
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This paper discusses a two-sector neoclassical overlapping generations economy with intermediate and final goods in the spirit of Romer (1990). The risk averse agents engage in one of two alternative occu pations: either firrm-ownership in the intermediate goods sector, char acterized by...
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This paper explores the question whether boundedly rational agents learn to behave optimally when asked to voluntarily contribute to a public good. The decision process of individuals is described by an Evolutionary Algorithm. We analyze the learning process of purely and impurely altruistic...
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This paper is concerned with occupational choice under risk, where agents care about their social status. It is motivated by recent developments in the 'New Economy', which indicate that status preferences possibly provide an explanation for the observed shift towards entrepreneurial...
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