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The aim of this paper is to analyse the role of active labour market policies in Spain, focusing on the public employment service (PES), training, and employment incentives. Previously, the main features of unemployment subsidies and their connection to active policies is presented. The majority...
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Potential links between inflation, (t), and unemployment, UE(t), in Germany have been examined. There exists a consistent (conventional) Phillips curve despite some changes in monetary policy. This Phillips curve is characterized by a negative relation between inflation and unemployment with...
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We propose a search equilibrium model in which homogenous firms post wages along with a vacancy to attract job-seekers, while homogenous unemployed workers invest in costly search. The key innovation relies on the organization of the search market and the search behavior of the job-seekers. The...
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Most studies that use classical unit-root tests in OECD countries support the unemployment hysteresis hypothesis. However, similar classical tests performed on US data yield mixed results, uncovering specification issues. This study uses a number of panel unit root tests, which are known to...
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We revisit the signalling hypothesis, whereby potential employers use the duration of unemployment as a signal as to the productivity of applicants. We suggest that the quality of such a signal is very low when the unemployed receive unemployment benefits: individuals have good reasons to remain...
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"In der Bundesagentur für Arbeit (BA) wird derzeit ein System der quantitativen Wirkungsanalyse arbeitsmarktpolitischer Maßnahmen entwickelt, das in Zukunft die operative Steuerung unterstützen soll. Wichtiger Bestandteil ist die neu aufgebaute Datenbank des Projektes 'Treatment Effects and...
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"One of the most far-reaching proposals for reform in the field of labour market policy is to link the receipt of transfer payments in general to a 'service in return' from the recipient. This concept operates under the name of workfare. This paper examines the possibilities and limits of...
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Matching models are the primary and most popular theoretical tools used by economists to evaluate various labour market policies and to study the problem of unemployment. These notes mean to provide an exhaustive introduction to the study of the benchmark macroeconomic models of the labour market.
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Relying on the non-negligible role played by the underground economy in the labour market fluctuations, this paper extends the standard matching model à la Mortensen-Pissarides by introducing an underground sector along with an endogenous sector choice for both entrepreneurs and workers. These...
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"We show that workers displaced from their stable jobs during mass-layoffs in 1982 recession in Germany suffered permanent earnings losses of 10-15% lasting at least 15 years. These estimates are obtained using data and methodology comparable to similar studies for the United States. Exploiting...
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