Showing 1 - 10 of 95
"In der Bundesagentur für Arbeit (BA) wird derzeit ein System der quantitativen Wirkungsanalyse arbeitsmarktpolitischer Maßnahmen entwickelt, das in Zukunft die operative Steuerung unterstützen soll. Wichtiger Bestandteil ist die neu aufgebaute Datenbank des Projektes 'Treatment Effects and...
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"One of the most far-reaching proposals for reform in the field of labour market policy is to link the receipt of transfer payments in general to a 'service in return' from the recipient. This concept operates under the name of workfare. This paper examines the possibilities and limits of...
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"We show that workers displaced from their stable jobs during mass-layoffs in 1982 recession in Germany suffered permanent earnings losses of 10-15% lasting at least 15 years. These estimates are obtained using data and methodology comparable to similar studies for the United States. Exploiting...
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"The empirical literature on unemployment almost exclusively focuses on the duration of distinct unemployment spells. In contrast we use a large German administrative micro data set for the time span 1975-2004 to investigate individual lifetime unemployment (defined as the total length of all...
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"As a reaction on high and persistent unemployment in Germany, the largest labour market reforms in post-war history were implemented between 2003 and 2005. We analyse the impact of the reform and its coincidence with an economic expansion on the efficiency of matching out of unemployment....
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"We revisit the puzzling finding that labour market performance appears to deteriorate, as suggested by negative time trends in empirical matching functions. We investigate whether these trends simply arise from omitted variable bias. Concretely, we consider the omission of job seekers beyond...
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"The aim of this paper is to formalise a two-country model of trade liberalisation and technical change with heterogenous firms and search-and-matching frictions in the labour market. By considering different sectors and factors of production we allow for comparative advantages and study the...
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"The paper analyzes wage concessions after unemployment benefit II receipt. Using administrative data this paper investigates the wage mobility of singles who were employed before and after the beginning of welfare benefit. Descriptive analysis indicate that 41 % of the singles who were fulltime...
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"We analyse the role that education signals play in the transition rates from unemployment to finding a job. We compare the results for Ethnic Germans with those for foreigners from the same origin countries and Native Germans. In the first case, the two have the same labour market access but...
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"This article provides a result-oriented view on the current status of German active labor market policy evaluation. The literature shows that nearly all groups of instruments positively affect the labor market prospects of at least particular groups of participants. However, regarding the...
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