Showing 1 - 6 of 6
"Wage subsidies are a major instrument of active labor market policies in Germany. This paper analyses for West Germany, if tenure differs across individuals taking up a subsidized or unsubsidized job, respectively, during the second quarter of 2003. The study is based on process generated data...
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"Die aktive Arbeitsmarktpolitik nach dem Sozialgesetzbuch III wird aus Mitteln des Europäischen Sozialfonds im Rahmen des so genannten ESF-BAProgramms in der Zeit von 2000 bis 2008 ergänzt. Das Programm setzt bei verschiedenen Lücken der gesetzlichen Arbeitsförderung an. Im Bereich der...
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"A major unemployment and welfare benefit reform took place in Germany in 2005. One objective of this reform was to more strongly encourage an adult worker model of the family, with an emphasis on activating the formerly inactive. Our hypothesis is, however, that assignments to activation...
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"Wage subsidies are a major instrument of active labor market policies in Germany. This paper analyses for West Germany, if tenure differs across individuals taking up a subsidized or unsubsidized job, respectively, during the second quarter of 2003. The study is based on process generated data...
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"Die aktive Arbeitsmarktpolitik nach dem Sozialgesetzbuch III wird aus Mitteln des Europäischen Sozialfonds im Rahmen des so genannten ESF-BAProgramms in der Zeit von 2000 bis 2008 ergänzt. Das Programm setzt bei verschiedenen Lücken der gesetzlichen Arbeitsförderung an. Im Bereich der...
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"Active labour-market policy (ALMP) not only affects the labour-market success of participants. Due to indirect effects, they might also affect the job perspectives of non-participants. Hence, even if ALMP programmes have a positive effect for the participants, this does not mean that ALMP...
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