Showing 1 - 10 of 119
Immigration policy in most high-income countries is designed to promote qualified migration while maintaining high requirements on characteristics such as education and language skills. We rely on a standard self-selection model with heterogeneous migration costs to discuss the effect of access...
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We estimate the effect of language training on subsequent employment and wages of immigrants under essential heterogeneity. The identifying variation is based on regional differences in language training availability that we use to instrument endogenous participation. Estimating marginal...
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In this article, we analyze individual factors and situational conditions under which immigrants are more or less likely to invest in host country-specific human capital. Theoretically, we root our expectations in a strand of the immigrant human capital investment model combined with a basic...
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This paper analyzes the impact of the skill composition of migration flows on the host country's labor market in a specific factors two-sector model with heterogeneous labor (low-, medium-, and highly-skilled) and price- and wage-setting behavior. The low- and medium-skilled labor markets are...
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Der Beitrag analysiert den Arbeitsmarktzugang von jugendlichen Migranten in Deutschland nach Abschluss ihrer Lehrzeit. Dabei gilt das besondere Interesse der Auswirkung lokaler kultureller Verschiedenheit auf den erfolgreichen Start einer beruflichen Karriere. Der Fokus liegt auf einer...
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Fertility and female labour force participation are no longer negatively correlated in developed countries. Recently, the role of immigration has been put forward as a driving factor among others. Increased immigration affects supply and prices of household services, which are relevant for...
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Das Paper untersucht den grenzüberschreitenden Arbeitsmarkt in der französisch-deutschen Oberrheinregion. Basierend auf einer Engpassanalyse für beide Seiten der Grenze schätzt eine Panelregression mit fixen Effekten den Einfluss sich verändernder Arbeitsmarktlagen auf die Anzahl der...
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This paper examines the cross-border labor market in the French-German Upper Rhine Region. Based on shortage analyses conducted for both sides of the border, a fixed effects panel regression estimates the impact of changing labor market situations on the number of French frontier workers....
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Der Beitrag untersucht die makroökonomischen Auswirkungen der Umlenkung der Migrationsströme im Laufe der EU-Osterweiterung von Deutschland weg in Richtung Großbritannien. Mit den neuen osteuropäischen Mitgliedsländern wurden Übergangsfristen bis zur kompletten Freizügigkeit vereinbart....
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Empirically identifying the causal effect of social networks on migrants' economic prospects is a challenging task due to the non-random residential sorting of migrants into locations with greater opportunities for (previous) connections. Our study addresses this selection-bias issue by using a...
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