Showing 1 - 10 of 72
At its core, the discussion on the micro-macro link in heterodox economics is concerned with the correct treatment of aggregates and aggregation in social theory. In this chapter we survey heterodox approaches to the micro-macro link with a focus on shared understandings and convictions that...
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Dieser Beitrag illustriert theoretische Argumente zu den Charakteristika vergangener und gegenwärtiger Globalisierungsprozesse am Beispiel des (ehemaligen) MAN-Produktionsstandortes Steyr. Dabei wird gezeigt, wie sich allgemeine Dynamiken verstärkter internationaler Eigentumskonzentration und...
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This short paper explains the theory of path dependence and clarifies its relation to concepts such as positive feedback or lock-in, arguing that path dependence is a core theoretical element of political economy in general, and institutional and evolutionary economics in particular. We first...
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This short paper discusses the concept of "systemism", elaborates how it implicitly underpinned most seminal works of evolutionary-institutional economics, and explains how future research would benefit from making the systemist nature of evolutionary economics more explicit. More precisely, the...
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This paper surveys existing measures of economic openness understood as the degree to which non-domestic actors can or do participate in a domestic economy. We introduce a typology of openness indicators, which distinguishes between 'real' and 'financial' openness as well as between 'de facto'...
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We reassess the contemporary relevance of the "Kaldor paradox" (1978), according to which changes in relative unit labor costs as well as relative export prices are positively correlated with advanced countries' export shares in world markets - although conventional trade theory predicts the...
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By studying the factors underlying differences in trade performance across European economies, this paper derives six different "trade models" for 22 EU-countries and explores their developmental and distributional implications. We first introduce a typology of trade models by clustering...
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Diese Studie diskutiert die Herausforderungen, denen sich die wirtschaftspolitischen Akteure in Europa stellen müssen, um eine wirtschaftlich prosperierende und institutionell stabile Gemeinschaft der Mitgliedsländer der Europäischen Union (EU) sicherzustellen. Auf analytischer Ebene...
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This study discusses the challenges economic policy-makers in Europe have to cope with in order to ensure an economically prosperous and institutionally stable community of Member States of the European Union (EU). At the analytical level, we not only document a process of multi-dimensional...
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This paper analyzes the dynamics of structural polarization and macroeconomic convergence vs. divergence in the context of European integration, where the latter is understood primarily as an increase in economic and financial openness. In the process of estimating the dynamic effects of...
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