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The Energy Division of the Infrastructure and Environment Sector (INE/ENE) of the Inter-American Development Bank has launched a technical cooperation project called "Smart Grid and Its Application in Sustainable Cities" to aid countries in the Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) region. This...
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En este documento se presenta un breve panorama de los vínculos que median entre los factores primarios que impulsan la minería aurífera, la manera en que interactúan con la geología regional y concentran los efectos en determinadas cuencas hidrográficas, y las repercusiones ecológicas y...
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La División de Energía del Departamento de Infraestructura y Medio Ambiente (INE/ENE) del Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID) ha puesto en marcha un proyecto de cooperación técnica (CT) denominado "Las redes inteligentes de energía y su implementación en ciudades sostenibles" (TC...
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Este documento ofrece una descripción general de las características de los ríos centroamericanos y de los servicios de los ecosistemas de agua dulce conexos, analiza las tendencias del desarrollo de la energía hidroeléctrica y las consecuencias ambientales y sociales que se conocen y...
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Bank investments in tourism and other coastal development projects have been on the rise, generating an interest in the development of instruments and tools that would more effectively inform Bank staff on critical issues, and support the management of the environmental and social risks of the...
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This paper provides an overview of the characteristics of Central American rivers and related freshwater ecosystem services, discusses trends in hydropower development and known environmental and social consequences, and offers suggestions for finding a balance between hydropower and the...
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This paper provides a brief overview of the linkages between the primary factors driving gold mining, how these interact with regional geology to concentrate impacts on specific river basins, and the primary environmental and social impacts that can erode the economic benefit delivered from gold...
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En esta monografía se presenta un panorama de los principales factores que influyen en la seguridad del abastecimiento de agua en la Región del Caribe. En vista de la diversidad de la región, eso implicará necesariamente un enfoque general. Para compensarlo, se usan estudios de casos a fin...
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The purpose of this technical note is to identify key environment and safeguard-related risks and opportunities that should be taken into account in the new Country Strategy for the Dominican Republic (DR) as required by the IDB's Environment and Safeguard Policy approved in January 2006....
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This paper provides an overview of the major factors influencing water security in the Caribbean Region. Given the diversity of the region, this will necessarily entail a "broad brush" approach; to balance this, case studies are used to illustrate some of the points being made. A broad outline...
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